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Dukascopy增加了32只交易所交易基金(ETF),扩大了其可交易工具列表。. Dukascopy成立于2004年,开发了各种专有和第三方交易平台,.




The newly added instruments are now available for JForex accounts. The maximum leverage Leverage In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders Read this Term is set at 1:10 for Dukascopy Bank clients and 1:5 for clients of Dukascopy Europe.

The new ETFs cover a range of economic sectors, including Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is a blanket term that refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft.More broadly speaking, cybersecurity can also represent countermeasures against damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.It was not long ago that the term cybersecurity not exist as it was first used in 1989. In today’s vernacular cybersecurity, refers to measures taken to protect a computer or computer Cybersecurity is a blanket term that refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft.More broadly speaking, cybersecurity can also represent countermeasures against damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.It was not long ago that the term cybersecurity not exist as it was first used in 1989. In today’s vernacular cybersecurity, refers to measures taken to protect a computer or computer Read this Term, Cryptocurrency, Aerospace, and Real Estate. Only long (buy) positions are permitted for these ETFs. For further details on SWAP rates and other trading conditions, clients are advised to visit the company’s website.


与此同时,Dukascopy为客户推出了大批量现金返还计划,根据每月5亿美元起的交易量提供佣金返还。据Finance Magnates报道,拥有多个保证金账户的客户可以将其交易量合并到该计划中。


此外,Dukascopy Japan已获得日本经济产业省(METI)和农林业水产省(MAFF)的批准,可以提供商品差价合约,包括石油、天然气和贵金属。

这些工具将通过LIVE和DEMO JForex帐户提供。该公司还计划获得股权差价合约许可证。Dukascopy Japan是Dukascopy银行的子公司,自2015年以来一直在日本外汇市场开展业务。




The newly added instruments are now available for JForex accounts. The maximum leverage Leverage In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders In financial trading, leverage is a loan supplied by a broker, which facilitates a trader in being able to control a relatively large amount of money with a significantly lesser initial investment. Leverage therefore allows traders to make a much greater return on investment compared to trading without any leverage. Traders seek to make a profit from movements in financial markets, such as stocks and currencies.Trading without any leverage would greatly diminish the potential rewards, so traders Read this Term is set at 1:10 for Dukascopy Bank clients and 1:5 for clients of Dukascopy Europe.

The new ETFs cover a range of economic sectors, including Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is a blanket term that refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft.More broadly speaking, cybersecurity can also represent countermeasures against damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.It was not long ago that the term cybersecurity not exist as it was first used in 1989. In today’s vernacular cybersecurity, refers to measures taken to protect a computer or computer Cybersecurity is a blanket term that refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft.More broadly speaking, cybersecurity can also represent countermeasures against damage to hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.It was not long ago that the term cybersecurity not exist as it was first used in 1989. In today’s vernacular cybersecurity, refers to measures taken to protect a computer or computer Read this Term, Cryptocurrency, Aerospace, and Real Estate. Only long (buy) positions are permitted for these ETFs. For further details on SWAP rates and other trading conditions, clients are advised to visit the company’s website.


与此同时,Dukascopy为客户推出了大批量现金返还计划,根据每月5亿美元起的交易量提供佣金返还。据Finance Magnates报道,拥有多个保证金账户的客户可以将其交易量合并到该计划中。


此外,Dukascopy Japan已获得日本经济产业省(METI)和农林业水产省(MAFF)的批准,可以提供商品差价合约,包括石油、天然气和贵金属。

这些工具将通过LIVE和DEMO JForex帐户提供。该公司还计划获得股权差价合约许可证。Dukascopy Japan是Dukascopy银行的子公司,自2015年以来一直在日本外汇市场开展业务。

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