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Trading 212开始通过收购的FXFlat Bank在德国招募新用户

FXFlat Bank现已隶属于Trading 212,已开始在德国提供免佣金交易服务。通过当地监管和全面的BaFin许可,该公司旨在提供一种新的零排放方法.

FXFlat Bank现已隶属于Trading 212,已开始在德国提供免佣金交易服务。通过当地监管和全面的BaFin许可,该公司旨在为那些寻求进入全球市场而无需支付通常费用的人提供一种新的零佣金交易方法。


根据Trading 212在LinkedIn上发布的公告,其进军德国的业务使居民能够通过其BaIn许可的经纪商FXFlat Bank GmbH获得免佣金交易的好处。

“对德国居民来说是个大消息!从今天开始,我们将通过我们的BaFinn许可经纪商FXFlat Bank GmbH在德国招募新客户,Trading 212去年收购了该公司,”Trading 212写道。“最后,德国找到了一家提供真正零佣金投资的当地经纪商。”

Acquired by Trading 212 in 2024, FXFlat Bank now offers access to shares and ETFs from major global exchanges, including Xetra, NASDAQ, and NYSE, without any order execution, settlement Settlement Settlement in finance refers to the process when a buyer makes payment and receives the agreed-upon services or goods. The term is used on exchanges such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) when security changes hands. When the asset is transferred and placed in the new buyer's name, it is considered settled. This process could take a few hours or several days after a trade is made. It depends on the clearance process. In the United States, the settlement date for marketable stocks is usually 2 Settlement in finance refers to the process when a buyer makes payment and receives the agreed-upon services or goods. The term is used on exchanges such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) when security changes hands. When the asset is transferred and placed in the new buyer's name, it is considered settled. This process could take a few hours or several days after a trade is made. It depends on the clearance process. In the United States, the settlement date for marketable stocks is usually 2 Read this Term, or account fees.

通过FXFlat Bank扩张


对于已经使用Trading 212的用户来说,向FXFlat Bank的过渡涉及一个过程。尽管据报道正在进行完整账户迁移选项,但客户必须关闭当前的Trading 212账户并在FXFlat Bank开设新账户。

然而,FXFlat Bank客户尚未使用某些功能,例如212借记卡。Trading 212已确认正在努力在2025年春季推出该卡。

去年6月,Trading 212从塞浦路斯监管机构获得了加密资产服务提供商许可证。据报道,该许可证于2024年5月被一家名为Trading 212 Crypto Ltd的当地实体收购。这家新成立的公司与Trading 212 Markets Ltd分开,据报道,Trading 212 Markets Ltd持有塞浦路斯投资公司执照。

FXFlat Bank现已隶属于Trading 212,已开始在德国提供免佣金交易服务。通过当地监管和全面的BaFin许可,该公司旨在为那些寻求进入全球市场而无需支付通常费用的人提供一种新的零佣金交易方法。


根据Trading 212在LinkedIn上发布的公告,其进军德国的业务使居民能够通过其BaIn许可的经纪商FXFlat Bank GmbH获得免佣金交易的好处。

“对德国居民来说是个大消息!从今天开始,我们将通过我们的BaFinn许可经纪商FXFlat Bank GmbH在德国招募新客户,Trading 212去年收购了该公司,”Trading 212写道。“最后,德国找到了一家提供真正零佣金投资的当地经纪商。”

Acquired by Trading 212 in 2024, FXFlat Bank now offers access to shares and ETFs from major global exchanges, including Xetra, NASDAQ, and NYSE, without any order execution, settlement Settlement Settlement in finance refers to the process when a buyer makes payment and receives the agreed-upon services or goods. The term is used on exchanges such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) when security changes hands. When the asset is transferred and placed in the new buyer's name, it is considered settled. This process could take a few hours or several days after a trade is made. It depends on the clearance process. In the United States, the settlement date for marketable stocks is usually 2 Settlement in finance refers to the process when a buyer makes payment and receives the agreed-upon services or goods. The term is used on exchanges such as New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) when security changes hands. When the asset is transferred and placed in the new buyer's name, it is considered settled. This process could take a few hours or several days after a trade is made. It depends on the clearance process. In the United States, the settlement date for marketable stocks is usually 2 Read this Term, or account fees.

通过FXFlat Bank扩张


对于已经使用Trading 212的用户来说,向FXFlat Bank的过渡涉及一个过程。尽管据报道正在进行完整账户迁移选项,但客户必须关闭当前的Trading 212账户并在FXFlat Bank开设新账户。

然而,FXFlat Bank客户尚未使用某些功能,例如212借记卡。Trading 212已确认正在努力在2025年春季推出该卡。

去年6月,Trading 212从塞浦路斯监管机构获得了加密资产服务提供商许可证。据报道,该许可证于2024年5月被一家名为Trading 212 Crypto Ltd的当地实体收购。这家新成立的公司与Trading 212 Markets Ltd分开,据报道,Trading 212 Markets Ltd持有塞浦路斯投资公司执照。

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