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CFTC提拔Caroline Pham为代理主席

据报道,经验丰富的共和党委员卡罗琳·范(Caroline Pham)已被任命为商品期货交易委员会代理主席,在金融市场和数字资产方面拥有丰富的经验。

据监管机构报道,卡罗琳·范(Caroline Pham)是一位经验丰富的共和党委员,在金融市场和数字资产方面拥有丰富的经验,她已被任命为商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)代理主席。


她是在民主党主席罗斯汀·贝纳姆(Rostin Behnam)离职后接任的,后者在唐纳德·特朗普总统准备重塑联邦对数字资产的监督之际辞去了职务。


According to the report, a five-member CFTC CFTC The 1974 Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) in the United States created the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The Commission protects and regulates market activities against manipulation, fraud, and abuse trade practices and promotes fairness in futures contracts. The CEA also included the Sad-Johnson Agreement, which defined the authority and responsibilities for the monitoring of financial contracts between the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commiss The 1974 Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) in the United States created the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The Commission protects and regulates market activities against manipulation, fraud, and abuse trade practices and promotes fairness in futures contracts. The CEA also included the Sad-Johnson Agreement, which defined the authority and responsibilities for the monitoring of financial contracts between the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commiss Read this Term commission voted in favor of promoting Pham. While Pham's role is currently interim, her leadership reportedly comes at a critical juncture as lawmakers debate granting the CFTC authority over crypto spot markets, CoinDesk reported.


即将离任的主席罗斯汀·贝纳姆(Rostin Behnam)和美国证券交易委员会主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)于同一天宣布辞职,这标志着美国重要金融监管机构领导层的重大转变。Pham在全球市场策略和数字资产政策方面经验丰富。她于2022年宣誓就职。

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