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With Shigeru Ishiba set to become Japan's prime minister, will Sino-Japanese relations improve?

On the 27th, Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, defeated the "hawks" against China and was elected the 28th president of the Liberal Democratic Party.。Japanese media is expected in October 1st, the interim parliament, he will officially serve as the 102nd Japanese Prime Minister。Experts said: Shigeru Ishiba's election reflects the LDP's demand for change and stability, and the importance of Sino-Japanese relations will not change as a result of the change of Japanese leadership.。Shigeru Ishiba advocates building an "Asian version of NATO" by integrating alliances between the United States, Japan, the United States and South Korea, and China should remain vigilant in this regard.。Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian: Long-term, healthy and stable development of Sino-Japanese relations is the only correct choice, and I hope the Japanese side will learn from history and meet the Chinese side halfway.。


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