BitMEX's insufficient AML measures were at the center of the case. Instead of following Know Your Customer (KYC) Know Your Customer (KYC) Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process via which the broker is verifying the true identity of its clients in order to comply with multiple regulations. KYC is used to assess the suitability of customers when it comes to anti-money laundering regulations, any type of financial fraud and determining whether they are potentially risky for the brokerage.In particular, KYC guidelines in financial services mandate that individuals make a cohesive effort to verify the identity, suitability, and risks Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process via which the broker is verifying the true identity of its clients in order to comply with multiple regulations. KYC is used to assess the suitability of customers when it comes to anti-money laundering regulations, any type of financial fraud and determining whether they are potentially risky for the brokerage.In particular, KYC guidelines in financial services mandate that individuals make a cohesive effort to verify the identity, suitability, and risks Read this Term standards, the exchange required only email addresses from its users, a move the US Attorney’s office deemed a disregard for legal requirements.
HDR Global Trading Limited运营的BitMEX承认了罚款,但将其视为某种胜利。该公司表示:“这个金额远低于司法部三年多来一直在追查的金额。”并补充说,纳税人的资源可能更好地花在其他地方。
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