Red Bull Racing is facing significant changes ahead of the 2025 Formula One season. One of the most notable developments is the end of its partnership with Bybit, a cryptocurrency exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f Read this Term. The sponsorship deal, valued at $150 million over three years, concluded unexpectedly, leaving a gap in Red Bull's sponsorship portfolio, according to SI's online report.
就车手阵容而言,马克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)在2024年第四次获得一级方程式车手冠军,进一步巩固了他作为这项运动顶级车手之一的地位。维斯塔潘还表现出对改变团队制服的兴趣,更喜欢摆脱近年来使用的哑光饰面。在红牛的“Talking Bull”播客中,他承认了塞尔吉奥·佩雷斯在球队中的角色,尽管最终导致佩雷斯离开的表现差距。
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