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随着 NA 会议开始 , 日元是最强的 , 美元是最弱的

由于美国的交易员不情愿地从独立日假期返回 , 他们将需要面对美国和加拿大的就业报告 ( 锁定和加载 ).

由于美国的交易员不情愿地从独立日假期返回 , 他们将需要面对美国和加拿大的就业报告 ( 锁定和加载 ).

预计美国非农就业人数将达到 191K 对 272K , 就业率将保持在 4.0% (与上周持平) , 平均小时收益为 0.3% vs 0.4%.在加拿大 , 就业变化预计为 27.3K vs 26.7K 上个月.失业率预计将升至 6.3% 从 6.2%.已锁定并加载.

UK's PM Keir Starmer

昨天在英国 , 选民去投票并惩罚了保守党.工党基尔 · 斯塔默将成为下一任英国首相 , 工党赢得了决定性的多数席位 , 获得了议会 650 个席位中的 410 个席位.重击标志着保守党的重大失败 ,由 Rishi Sunak 领导 , 该公司将仅赢得 131 个席位 , 这是其历史上最糟糕的选举表现.选举结束了保守党领导的 14 年政府 , 并看到了著名的保守党人物 , 包括前总理利兹 · 特拉斯 , 支持英国退欧的议员雅各布 · 里斯 - 莫格 ,和前领导人竞争者 Penny Mordaunt 失去了席位.Sunak 和他的财政部长 Jeremy Hunt 保留了席位.

就央行政策而言 , 英国央行在 8 月会议上降息的可能性最大 ( 60 % ).我们将看到英国央行官员在下周左右发表的评论.

英国从保守派转向自由派.今天 , 普雷斯的政治生活.拜登在上周的辩论中表现糟糕后 , 正在接受美国广播公司新闻乔治 · 斯蒂芬诺波利斯的采访。.随着选民倾向于变革 , 美国正从更自由走向保守.

今日发自美联储 , 纽约联储主席约翰 · 威廉姆斯表示 , 美联储要达到 2% 的通胀目标还有一段路要走 , 并强调在货币政策格局不确定的情况下持续承诺.

北美会议开始时其他市场的快照显示 :

  • Crude oil is trading up five cents at $83.92. At this time Wednesday, the price was at $80.85
  • Gold is trading up $9.90 or 0.42% at $2366.30. At this time Wednesday, the price was trading at $2345.66
  • Silver is trading trade up $0.25 or 0.87% at $30.64. At this time on Wednesday, the price is trading at $30.20
  • Bitcoin continued to move lower and trades at $55,325. At this time yesterday, the price was trading up at $57,672
  • Ethereum is also trading at $2940.30. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $3130

在盘前交易中 , 主要指数的快照在盘前交易中几乎没有变化 , 此前标准普尔和纳斯达克指数昨日上涨至历史新高收盘

  • Dow Industrial Average futures are implying a decline of -33.10 points. On Wednesday, the Dow Industrial Average fell -23.85 points or -0.06% at 39308.01
  • S&P futures are implying a gain 1.0 points. On Wednesday, the S&P index rose 27.99 points or 0.51% at 5537.01. That was a new record high close..
  • Nasdaq futures are implying a gain of 9.62 points. On Wednesday, the index rose 159.54 points or 0.88% at 18188.30. That was a new record close as well.

欧洲股票指数上涨 :

  • German DAX, +0.79%
  • France CAC was 0.29%
  • UK FTSE 100, +0.02% after the election and political shift
  • Spain's Ibex, -0.40%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB, +0.31% (delayed 10 minutes)..


  • Japan's Nikkei 225, unchanged
  • China's Shanghai Composite Index, -0.26%
  • Hong Kong's Hang Seng index, -1.27%
  • Australia S&P/ASX index, -0.12%

纵观美债市场 , 收益率涨跌互现 , 短端走高 , 长端走低.

  • 2-year yield 4.685%, -0.6 basis points. At this time Wednesday, the yield was at 4.772%
  • 5-year yield 4.297%, -1.3 basis points.. At this time Wednesday, the yield was at 4.412%
  • 10-year yield 4.335%, -1.2 basis points. At this time Wednesday, the yield was at 4.437%
  • 30-year yield 4.509%, -1.1 basis points. At this time Wednesday, the yield was at 4.595%

从国债收益率曲线来看 , 在近期平价上涨后 , 利差变得更负

  • The 2-10 year spread is at -35.0 basis points. At this time Wednesday, the spread was at -33.7 basis points.
  • The 2-30 year spread is at -17.7 basis points. At this time Wednesday, the spread was at -17.9 basis points.

在美国债券市场 , 基准 10 年期票据行业的收益率较低 :

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