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随着 NA 会议开始 , 英镑是最强的 , 日元是最弱的

随着北美会议的开始 , 英镑是最强的 , 日元是最弱的.美元涨跌互现 , 兑日元和新西兰元上涨 , 兑欧元和英镑下跌 , 几乎没有变化.

随着北美会议的开始 , 英镑是最强的 , 日元是最弱的.美元兑日元和新西兰元涨跌不一 , 兑欧元和英镑下跌 , 兑其他主要货币变化不大.美国将在明天独立日假期前公布不同的经济数据.美国就业报告将于周五发布

美元兑日元继续走高 , 仅在 162 点附近交易.000 今天.

在今天的美国 , 挑战者裁员人数较低 , 为 48.786K vs 63.81K 上个月.今天晚些时候 , ADP 6 月份的全国就业数据将于美国东部时间上午 8: 15 发布 , 预期为 160K , 而上个月为 152K.回想上个月的数据远低于 BLS 非农工资价值 272K.这两份报告之间的差异往往导致市场反应不大 , 但它仍然领先于 BLS 报告 , 谁能说它不是更准确呢?

今天还将发布美国贸易数据 , 初请失业金人数 ( 估计 235K ) , 加拿大贸易数据 , 工厂订单 ( 估计 0.2%) , 以及 ISM 非制造业数据 (估计 52.5 vs 53.8 上个月 ).出于比较目的 , 上个月的就业部分为 47.1 , 而支付的价格为 58.1.

今天下午 2 点晚些时候 , 联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要将公布.最后 , 每周的 EIA 库存数据也将在今天上午 10: 30 发布.昨日尾盘 , 民间原油库存数据显示意外 - 9.163M 的下降 , 但汽油确实显示了 + 2 的增长.468M.估计值为 - 0.680M 机油下降 , 汽油下降 - 1.32M.

北美会议开始时其他市场的快照显示 :

  • Crude oil is trading up five cents at $82.85. At this time yesterday, the price was at $84.07
  • Gold is trading up $16.50 or 0.71% at $2345.66. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $2321.69
  • Silver is trading trade up $0.70 or 2.37% at $30.20. At this time on yesterday, the price is trading at $29.27
  • Bitcoin trades lower at $60,219. At this time yesterday, the price was trading up at $62,680
  • Ethereum is also trading at $3297.80. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $3448.10

在盘前交易中 , 主要指数的快照在盘前交易中几乎没有变化 , 此前标准普尔和纳斯达克指数昨日上涨至历史新高收盘

  • Dow Industrial Average futures are implying a gain of 31.15 points. Yesterday, the Dow Industrial Average rose 162.33 points or 0.41% at 39331.86. The all-time high close for the Dow Industrial Average which is 40,003.60.
  • S&P futures are implying a gain of 0.24 points. Yesterday, the S&P index rose 33.90 points or 0.62% at 5509.02. That was a record close.
  • Nasdaq futures are implying a decline of -5.64 points. Yesterday, the NASDAQ index rose 149.46 points or 0.84% at 18028.76. That was a record closing level

欧洲股票指数上涨 :

  • German DAX, +1.01%
  • France CAC +1.56%
  • UK FTSE 100, +0.56% ahead of the election tomorrow
  • Spain's Ibex, +1.20%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB, was 1.3% (delayed 10 minutes)..


  • Japan's Nikkei 225, +1.26%
  • China's Shanghai Composite Index, -0.49%
  • Hong Kong's Hang Seng index, +1.18%
  • Australia S&P/ASX index, +0.28%

纵观美债市场 , 收益率涨跌互现 , 短端走高 , 长端走低.

  • 2-year yield 4.772%, +3.4 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.747%
  • 5-year yield 4.412%, +1.6 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.403%
  • 10-year yield 4.437%, +0.2 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.443%
  • 30-year yield 4.595%, -1.3 basis points basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.609%

从国债收益率曲线来看 , 在近期平价上涨后 , 利差变得更负

  • The 2-10 year spread is at -33.7 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -30.3 basis points. A week ago, the spread was at -50.6 basis points
  • The 2-30 year spread is at -17.9 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -13.8 basis points. A week ago the spread was at -37.3 basis points

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