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In a time of increased volatility Volatility In finance, volatility refers to the amount of change in the rate of a financial instrument, such as commodities, currencies, or stocks, over a given time period. Essentially, volatility describes the nature of an instrument’s fluctuation; a highly volatile security equates to large fluctuations in price, and a low volatile security equates to timid fluctuations in price. Volatility is an important statistical indicator used by financial traders to assist them in developing trading systems. Trad In finance, volatility refers to the amount of change in the rate of a financial instrument, such as commodities, currencies, or stocks, over a given time period. Essentially, volatility describes the nature of an instrument’s fluctuation; a highly volatile security equates to large fluctuations in price, and a low volatile security equates to timid fluctuations in price. Volatility is an important statistical indicator used by financial traders to assist them in developing trading systems. Trad Read this Term in the cryptocurrency market, Dogecoin has been making significant moves. Despite Bitcoin's dramatic price swings, Dogecoin has been steadily hovering between $0.31 and $0.41 since January 1.


Currently priced at around $0.37, the meme coin is experiencing a surge in the trading activity, signaling that there is a boost in demand for the memecoin. Data from CoinMarketCap shows that the token was up 20% in the past 24 hours at more than $9 billion.


特朗普在竞选期间做出了支持加密货币的承诺,预计他的政府将给予该行业更多关注。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)参与特朗普政府是另一个可能使狗狗币受益的因素。




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