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每周评论:IG Group发布强劲的H1业绩,FCA审查消费者税规则等

IG Group 25财年上半年收入跃升。每周亮点中名列前茅的IG Group报告称,截至2024年11月30日的2025财年上半年总收入为5.225亿英镑,标志着一年过去了.

IG Group 25财年上半年收入跃升

每周亮点中名列前茅的IG Group报告称,截至2024年11月30日的2025财年上半年总收入为5.225亿英镑,同比增长11%。其同期净交易收入增长12%,达到4.517亿英镑。

Finance Magnates早些时候报告称,IG在本财年前三个月的收入为2.789亿英镑。这意味着第二季度收入为2.436亿英镑,环比下降12.6%。

CMS Markets重申全年收入

与此同时,另一家在伦敦上市的经纪商SMC Markets在其2024年10月1日至12月31日(2025年第三季度)的最新交易更新中重申了其全年净营业收入指引。

“我们仍然有信心满足今年早些时候制定的指导方针,在强大的B2B合作伙伴关系以及持续的产品扩张和多元化的支持下,净营业收入预计将符合市场共识,”首席执行官Peter Cruddas评论道。


On the regulatory front, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the largest financial regulator for all financial markets in the United Kingdom (UK).The UK regulator is responsible for the conduct of firms authorized under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Moreover, the FCA is also responsible for the regulation of behavior in retail and wholesale financial markets, supervision of the trading infrastructure that supports those markets, and the prudential regulation of firms not regulated by the PRA. Its rol The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the largest financial regulator for all financial markets in the United Kingdom (UK).The UK regulator is responsible for the conduct of firms authorized under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Moreover, the FCA is also responsible for the regulation of behavior in retail and wholesale financial markets, supervision of the trading infrastructure that supports those markets, and the prudential regulation of firms not regulated by the PRA. Its rol Read this Term) in the United Kingdom is considering reducing the regulatory burden on firms by removing the “need for a Consumer Duty Board Champion” and delaying the introduction of new consumer protection rules if they are already addressed under the existing duty.

英国监管机构的计划在其首席执行官尼基尔·拉蒂(Nikhil Rathi)致英国首相、财政大臣和国务卿的一封信中披露,该信于上周公开。这封信强调了FCA旨在消除几项官僚障碍的意图。



In an insightful discussion about the prop trading space, forex Forex Foreign exchange or forex is the act of converting one nation’s currency into another nation’s currency (that possesses a different currency); for example, the converting of British Pounds into US Dollars, and vice versa. The exchange of currencies can be done over a physical counter, such as at a Bureau de Change, or over the internet via broker platforms, where currency speculation takes place, known as forex trading.The foreign exchange market, by its very nature, is the world’s largest tradi Foreign exchange or forex is the act of converting one nation’s currency into another nation’s currency (that possesses a different currency); for example, the converting of British Pounds into US Dollars, and vice versa. The exchange of currencies can be done over a physical counter, such as at a Bureau de Change, or over the internet via broker platforms, where currency speculation takes place, known as forex trading.The foreign exchange market, by its very nature, is the world’s largest tradi Read this Term expert Kathy Lien sat down with Finance Magnates this week. “Prop trading is about more than just profits; it’s about discipline, resilience, and the ability to adapt,” she said. Known for her extensive career in forex markets, Lien recently released Prop Trading Secrets (Wiley) alongside Etienne Crête.









在这些新变化中,特朗普任命马克·尤伊达为美国证券交易委员会(SEC)代理主席,直到美国参议院批准保罗·阿特金斯担任最高监管职位。另一项任命涉及卡罗琳·范(Caroline Pham),她现任商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)代理主席。她的任命是在之前的一场争议之后,她批评了CFTC的工作道德,特别是其执行部门。

罗斯·乌布利希(Ross Ulbricht)是特朗普椭圆形办公室第二个任期的受益者之一。美国总统全面、无条件赦免臭名昭著的暗网市场Silk Road的创始人罗斯·乌布利希(Ross Ulbricht),他因运营该平台利用比特币(BTC)促进了超过2亿美元的非法贸易而被判处多项无期徒刑。




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