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According to the company, while Brazilian consumers have quickly adapted to digital payments Payments One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl Read this Term, especially through systems like PIX, B2B transactions have not kept pace, especially in cross-border dealings.

Airwallex美洲总裁拉维·阿杜苏米利(Ravi Adusumilli)在评论此次扩张时表示:“凭借巴西和墨西哥的许可证,我们可以帮助拉丁美洲的公司跨境扩张和繁荣,同时帮助世界各地的企业在这两个充满活力的经济市场中更无缝地运营。”

Ravi Adusumilli,资料来源:LinkedIn



Meanwhile, Airwallex's acquisition Acquisition Acquisition means acquiring or taking possession or the securing of property, services, or abilities. To put it simply, it is the act or process of acquiring or gaining. You can acquire a work of art, you can acquire an ability such as speaking another language, you can acquire a business or shares in a company and you can acquire an accountant's service. For example, you can acquire a new car. In a broad sense, Acquisition can mean the act of taking ownership or possession of something. There Acquisition means acquiring or taking possession or the securing of property, services, or abilities. To put it simply, it is the act or process of acquiring or gaining. You can acquire a work of art, you can acquire an ability such as speaking another language, you can acquire a business or shares in a company and you can acquire an accountant's service. For example, you can acquire a new car. In a broad sense, Acquisition can mean the act of taking ownership or possession of something. There Read this Term of MexPago and its plans to expand into Mexico also focus on capitalizing on the country's rising demand for cross-border payment solutions. A growing number of Mexican SMEs are reportedly looking to broaden their international operations, with 85 percent anticipating expansion.




MexPago首席执行官兼创始人Luis Castillejos现在将担任Airwallex墨西哥地区经理,监督增长并帮助企业应对进入墨西哥市场的复杂性。

Luis Castillejos Ordaz,资料来源:LinkedIn






According to the company, while Brazilian consumers have quickly adapted to digital payments Payments One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl One of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, a payment constitutes the transfer of a legal currency or equivalent from one party in exchange for goods or services to another entity. The payments industry has become a fixture of modern commerce, though the players involved and means of exchange have dramatically shifted over time.In particular, a party making a payment is referred to as a payer, with the payee reflecting the individual or entity receiving the payment. Most commonl Read this Term, especially through systems like PIX, B2B transactions have not kept pace, especially in cross-border dealings.

Airwallex美洲总裁拉维·阿杜苏米利(Ravi Adusumilli)在评论此次扩张时表示:“凭借巴西和墨西哥的许可证,我们可以帮助拉丁美洲的公司跨境扩张和繁荣,同时帮助世界各地的企业在这两个充满活力的经济市场中更无缝地运营。”

Ravi Adusumilli,资料来源:LinkedIn



Meanwhile, Airwallex's acquisition Acquisition Acquisition means acquiring or taking possession or the securing of property, services, or abilities. To put it simply, it is the act or process of acquiring or gaining. You can acquire a work of art, you can acquire an ability such as speaking another language, you can acquire a business or shares in a company and you can acquire an accountant's service. For example, you can acquire a new car. In a broad sense, Acquisition can mean the act of taking ownership or possession of something. There Acquisition means acquiring or taking possession or the securing of property, services, or abilities. To put it simply, it is the act or process of acquiring or gaining. You can acquire a work of art, you can acquire an ability such as speaking another language, you can acquire a business or shares in a company and you can acquire an accountant's service. For example, you can acquire a new car. In a broad sense, Acquisition can mean the act of taking ownership or possession of something. There Read this Term of MexPago and its plans to expand into Mexico also focus on capitalizing on the country's rising demand for cross-border payment solutions. A growing number of Mexican SMEs are reportedly looking to broaden their international operations, with 85 percent anticipating expansion.




MexPago首席执行官兼创始人Luis Castillejos现在将担任Airwallex墨西哥地区经理,监督增长并帮助企业应对进入墨西哥市场的复杂性。

Luis Castillejos Ordaz,资料来源:LinkedIn



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