倒闭的加密货币交易所FTX EU有了新所有者,但许可证仍被暂停
还记得FTX吗?曾经流行的加密货币交易所的欧洲分支机构刚刚被收购,该交易所在2022年成为重大丑闻的中心。背包已成为FTX EU的新主人。
尽管按每日交易量计算,Backpack目前在CoinMarketcap的加密货币交易所排名中仅排名第200位,但它希望通过收购这家受MiAID II监管的实体来扩大业务。然而,此举可能不会像预期的那么快发生。
Backpack收购已解散的FTX EU以获得MiAID II许可
自2022年9月以来,FTX EU持有塞浦路斯证券交易委员会(CySEC)许可证,使其能够根据MiAID II法规在整个欧盟范围内为其服务提供护照。
Backpack Exchange首席执行官Armani Ferrante评论道:“随着许多国际交易所退出欧盟,成为MiAID II许可实体表明了我们致力于满足最高监管标准的努力,也是为服务不足的欧洲市场带来透明、安全和受监管的加密货币交易的重要一步。”
虽然该公司声称许可证重新激活正在进行中,并计划在2025年第一季度推出Backpack EU,但CySEC官方文件显示,暂停将持续到2025年5月30日,并延长到第二季度。
Moreover, Backpack assumes responsibility for settling FTX bankruptcy Bankruptcy Bankruptcy or insolvency constitutes a legal term and refers to being unable to repay debts. A business and a person can declare bankruptcy. When a person or company claims bankruptcy, it is described as a voluntary bankruptcy, and when your debtors force you into bankruptcy, it is referred to as involuntary. A voluntary bankruptcy occurs when the debtor or borrower, the party that owes the money files with the courts. Involuntary bankruptcy happens when your credits file a petition with the co Bankruptcy or insolvency constitutes a legal term and refers to being unable to repay debts. A business and a person can declare bankruptcy. When a person or company claims bankruptcy, it is described as a voluntary bankruptcy, and when your debtors force you into bankruptcy, it is referred to as involuntary. A voluntary bankruptcy occurs when the debtor or borrower, the party that owes the money files with the courts. Involuntary bankruptcy happens when your credits file a petition with the co Read this Term claims from previous platform clients.
费兰特补充道:“客户赔偿是重建行业信任和信心的关键一步,Backpack致力于尽快、尽可能安全地返还FTX EU客户的资金。”
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