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随着 NA 会话的开始 , CAD 最强 , NZD 最弱

随着北美会议的开始 , CAD 最强 , NZD 最弱.美元大多走强 - 但温和 - 与所有主要货币相比都有所上涨 , 但 t 除外.

随着北美会议的开始 , CAD 最强 , NZD 最弱.美元大多走强 - 但温和 - 与所有主要货币相比有所上涨 , 但加元和英镑除外 ( 几乎没有变化 ).

隔夜 , 欧洲央行核心 CPI 上涨至 2.9% 对 2.预期为 8 % ( 与上个月持平 ).然而 , 标题数据符合预期.

一夜之间有很多欧洲央行的讲话.一些亮点 :

  • Wunsch said there is room for second breakup barring any major negative surprises. Most are expecting 1 to 2 by the end of the year.
  • Lane said that June inflation data seems in line with our assessment, Buck commented that service inflation remains essential and that the ECB needed to take a bit of time to assess inflation.
  • di Guindos said we are not following a predetermined path on interest rates and that uncertainty remains high.
  • Muller agreed that we can probably cut rates again before year end, but should not rush to do so and the patient with further rate cuts.
  • Centeno said that every meeting is open for us to make a decision but said that we were to be prudent on rates. He did add that there is confidence that inflation will hit 2%percent target next year.
  • Vasle at that we can cut rates further things go as expected, but need more data to confirm inflation trajectory.

在澳大利亚 , ING 隔夜表示 , 他们现在预计下一次澳洲联储利率决定将加息.上周澳大利亚 CPI 数据上涨 4.1% 对 3.8% 之前 (点击这里查看完整的故事).

有一些美联储官员在一夜之间发表讲话.纽约联储主席约翰 · 威廉姆斯表示有信心美联储有望持续实现其 2 % 的通胀目标.他指出 , 他继续看到价格压力放缓 , 强化了他对美联储当前道路的信念.威廉姆斯在国际清算银行会议的视频中发表了这些言论.

在其他闲聊中 , 芝加哥联储主席奥斯坦 · 古尔斯比表示 , 目前的利率是限制性的 , 如果维持太久 , 可能会成为问题.他强调了就业市场中出现的警告信号 , 并强调了监测就业报告和价格数据的重要性.古尔斯比指出 , 美国的通胀数据出现了一系列改善.S.暗示可能回到 2% 的通胀目标.他表示 , 如果通胀正常化 , 利率也将回到更典型的水平.今天 , 鲍威尔在美国东部时间 1330 GMT / 0930 在辛特拉的欧洲央行论坛上发表讲话.欧洲央行行长将加入他的行列.拉加德在面板上.期间工作到工作报告将在周五 BLS 工作报告之前添加就业数据.对职位空缺的期望是在 7.9600 万从 8.上个月 6 亿.展望周五 ,非农就业岗位预计将增加 195, 000 个 , 而上个月为 272, 000 个.

北美会议开始时其他市场的快照显示 :

  • Crude oil is trading up $0.71 or 0.84% at $84.07. At this time yesterday, the price was at $81.96
  • Gold is trading down $9.98 or -0.43% at $2321.69. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $2338
  • Silver is trading down $0.17 or -0.59% at $29.27. At this time on yesterday, the price is trading at $29.29
  • Bitcoin trades at $62,680. At this time yesterday, the price was trading up at $62,600
  • Ethereum is also trading at $3448.10. At this time yesterday, the price was trading at $3458.90

在盘前市场中 , 主要指数的快照在昨天上涨之后在盘前交易中走低。.在第二幕中 , 以创纪录的水平结束.

  • Dow Industrial Average futures are implying a loss of -143 points. Yesterday, the Dow Industrial Average rose 50.66 points or 0.13% at 39169.53.
  • S&P futures are implying a decline of -24.34 points. Yesterday, the S&P index rose 14.61 points or 0.27% at 5475.10.
  • Nasdaq futures are implying a decline of -119.10 points. Yesterday, the NASDAQ index rose 146.70 points or 0.83% at 17879.305

欧洲股指在昨日全面上涨后走低 :

  • German DAX, -1.27%
  • France CAC -1.06%
  • UK FTSE 100, -0.54%
  • Spain's Ibex, -1.79%
  • Italy's FTSE MIB, -1.23% (delayed 10 minutes)..


  • Japan's Nikkei 225, +1.12%
  • China's Shanghai Composite Index, +0.08%
  • Hong Kong's Hang Seng index, +0.29%
  • Australia S&P/ASX index, -0.42%

看美债市场 , 收益率较低.

  • 2-year yield 4.747%, -2.5 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.758%
  • 5-year yield 4.403%, -3.7 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.392%
  • 10-year yield 4.443%, -3.6 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.414%
  • 30-year yield 4.609%, -3.4 basis points. At this time yesterday, the yield was at 4.579%

从国债收益率曲线来看 , 利差正在继续上升 , 并在负收益率曲线上逐渐消失 :

  • The 2-10 year spread is at -30.3 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -34.4 basis points. A week ago, the spread was at -50.6 basis points
  • The 2-30 year spread is at -13.8 basis points. At this time yesterday, the spread was at -18.4 basis points. A week ago the spread was at -37.3 basis points

欧洲基准 10 年期收益率涨跌互现 :

European benchmark 10 year yields

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