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数字资产基础设施提供商BitGo已将Brett Reeves提升为欧洲销售主管,同时保留其现有Go Network主管的职位。他在伦敦金融城领先投资银行拥有二十多年的经验,预计将支持该公司在欧洲大陆的扩张。

BitGo扩大欧洲领导地位,任命Brett Reeves担任区域销售主管



Reeves brings two decades of financial services expertise to the role, having held positions at major institutions including Citibank, and Nomura. He spent the longest part of his career, nine years, at Standard Chartered Bank, where he served as Executive Director, responsible for Prime Services Sales for FX and IRS Brokerages. Prior to BitGo, he served as Head of Business Development at Bequant, a regulated digital asset prime broker Prime Broker Prime brokers are the designation given to individuals handling a package of services offered by investment banks, wealth management firms, and securities dealers to hedge funds which need the ability to borrow securities and cash in order to be able to invest on a netted basis and achieve an absolute return.There are two types of prime brokers - bank and non-bank corporations. Traditionally major global investment banks have been the predominant players in the space, however recent years have p Prime brokers are the designation given to individuals handling a package of services offered by investment banks, wealth management firms, and securities dealers to hedge funds which need the ability to borrow securities and cash in order to be able to invest on a netted basis and achieve an absolute return.There are two types of prime brokers - bank and non-bank corporations. Traditionally major global investment banks have been the predominant players in the space, however recent years have p Read this Term.



BitGo和FTX Money

As Finance Magnates informed last month, collapsed cryptocurrency exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f Read this Term FTX is set to begin distributing funds to investors who experienced losses through partner crypto firms, including Kraken and BitGo.


BitGo还参与促进零售和机构客户的复苏。符合首次分配资格的债权人需要通过FTX Debtors的客户门户完成特定步骤,为支付做好准备。


数字资产基础设施提供商BitGo已将Brett Reeves提升为欧洲销售主管,同时保留其现有Go Network主管的职位。他在伦敦金融城领先投资银行拥有二十多年的经验,预计将支持该公司在欧洲大陆的扩张。

BitGo扩大欧洲领导地位,任命Brett Reeves担任区域销售主管



Reeves brings two decades of financial services expertise to the role, having held positions at major institutions including Citibank, and Nomura. He spent the longest part of his career, nine years, at Standard Chartered Bank, where he served as Executive Director, responsible for Prime Services Sales for FX and IRS Brokerages. Prior to BitGo, he served as Head of Business Development at Bequant, a regulated digital asset prime broker Prime Broker Prime brokers are the designation given to individuals handling a package of services offered by investment banks, wealth management firms, and securities dealers to hedge funds which need the ability to borrow securities and cash in order to be able to invest on a netted basis and achieve an absolute return.There are two types of prime brokers - bank and non-bank corporations. Traditionally major global investment banks have been the predominant players in the space, however recent years have p Prime brokers are the designation given to individuals handling a package of services offered by investment banks, wealth management firms, and securities dealers to hedge funds which need the ability to borrow securities and cash in order to be able to invest on a netted basis and achieve an absolute return.There are two types of prime brokers - bank and non-bank corporations. Traditionally major global investment banks have been the predominant players in the space, however recent years have p Read this Term.



BitGo和FTX Money

As Finance Magnates informed last month, collapsed cryptocurrency exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that supports the exchange of various currencies for a cryptocurrency or digital asset.Comparable to a generalized financial exchange, a crypto exchange’s core function is to permit and encourage the buying and selling of cryptos.This is accomplished by producing a stable trading environment suitable for traders nested through different locations around the world. Sometimes a crypto exchange may be referred to as a digital currency exchange (DCE) f Read this Term FTX is set to begin distributing funds to investors who experienced losses through partner crypto firms, including Kraken and BitGo.


BitGo还参与促进零售和机构客户的复苏。符合首次分配资格的债权人需要通过FTX Debtors的客户门户完成特定步骤,为支付做好准备。


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