Equiti Group的新基金瞄准更广泛的财富管理渠道
全球金融科技广告交易技术提供商Equiti计划在其财富管理部门Equiti Wealth下推出Equiti Global Balanced基金。
全球金融科技广告交易技术提供商Equiti计划在其财富管理部门Equiti Wealth下推出Equiti Global Balanced基金。该公司此次发行已获得阿联酋证券和商品管理局的原则批准。
Equiti Wealth is a global multi-asset Multi-Asset Composed of varying asset classes, multi-asset is a blanket designation combining different classes such bonds, equities, cash equivalents, fixed income, and alternative investments.When compared to traditional balanced funds, multi-asset solutions differ because they target specific investment outcomes. This includes outcomes such as return above inflation as opposed to gauging performance against standardized benchmarks.Given the composition of multi-asset classes, they need to be dynamically Composed of varying asset classes, multi-asset is a blanket designation combining different classes such bonds, equities, cash equivalents, fixed income, and alternative investments.When compared to traditional balanced funds, multi-asset solutions differ because they target specific investment outcomes. This includes outcomes such as return above inflation as opposed to gauging performance against standardized benchmarks.Given the composition of multi-asset classes, they need to be dynamically Read this Term platform customized for long-term investment needs. It aims to make wealth management inclusive and accessible.
Equiti Group联合创始人Mohammed AlAhmed Ketmawi表示:“今天对于Equiti来说是一个关键时刻,我们重申致力于为每个人增加财务机会。”
“我们的Equiti Wealth投资组合是为了投资者而设计的,简化了任何人开始投资之旅并从专业管理的基金中受益的道路。”
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