作为其欧洲运营发展的一部分,数字银行平台FINOM已任命两名新高管加入其领导团队。这家总部位于阿姆斯特丹的公司任命Kristjan Kaar为Chi.
作为其欧洲运营发展的一部分,数字银行平台FINOM已任命两名新高管加入其领导团队。这家总部位于阿姆斯特丹的公司任命Kristjan Kaar为首席产品官(CPO),任命Elke Karskens为首席营销官(CMO)。
Kaar从OakNorth Bank加入FINOM,负责监督产品开发计划。根据公司声明,他的部门实现了显着的客户满意度指标。过去,他还在彭博社工作了七年多,最近担任基金和投资组合主管。
Karskens brings experience from previous positions at Coinbase and Meta, where she worked on platform scaling and market development. Her background includes various marketing Marketing Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t Read this Term leadership roles spanning two decades in the technology sector.
新任命是FINOM 2024年更广泛组织变革的一部分。该公司还增加了其他几项管理人员,包括Alessandro Camilotti担任首席财务官,前Revolut高管Rob Allen担任销售主管。董事会还任命了新的任命,包括Kseniia Kutyreva、Peter De Caluwe和Frank Stockx。
FINOM首席执行官兼联合创始人安德烈·彼得罗夫(Andrey Petrov)表示:“随着FINOM的持续发展,用世界一流的人才加强我们的高管团队至关重要。”“Elke和Kristjan的卓越专业知识和领导力将有助于加速我们的产品开发和市场扩张,以在2026年之前为100万欧洲中小企业提供服务。"
作为其欧洲运营发展的一部分,数字银行平台FINOM已任命两名新高管加入其领导团队。这家总部位于阿姆斯特丹的公司任命Kristjan Kaar为首席产品官(CPO),任命Elke Karskens为首席营销官(CMO)。
Kaar从OakNorth Bank加入FINOM,负责监督产品开发计划。根据公司声明,他的部门实现了显着的客户满意度指标。过去,他还在彭博社工作了七年多,最近担任基金和投资组合主管。
Karskens brings experience from previous positions at Coinbase and Meta, where she worked on platform scaling and market development. Her background includes various marketing Marketing Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t Marketing is defined as the business process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers' needs and wants.This is a crucial element of any operation or brokerage in the financial services space. Well-funded marketing campaigns are instrumental to the survival and longevity of these companies in an increasingly competitive industry.Within the forex space, marketers perform a wide range of functions to help procure, secure, or retain clients.In particular, newer forex brokers also have t Read this Term leadership roles spanning two decades in the technology sector.
新任命是FINOM 2024年更广泛组织变革的一部分。该公司还增加了其他几项管理人员,包括Alessandro Camilotti担任首席财务官,前Revolut高管Rob Allen担任销售主管。董事会还任命了新的任命,包括Kseniia Kutyreva、Peter De Caluwe和Frank Stockx。
FINOM首席执行官兼联合创始人安德烈·彼得罗夫(Andrey Petrov)表示:“随着FINOM的持续发展,用世界一流的人才加强我们的高管团队至关重要。”“Elke和Kristjan的卓越专业知识和领导力将有助于加速我们的产品开发和市场扩张,以在2026年之前为100万欧洲中小企业提供服务。"
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