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No ransom, no catnip.?This is the most expensive game of blackmail I've ever seen.

As the saying goes, hacker extortion is divided into three categories, to money to power to peace, but have you ever seen hacker extortion to welfare?Just recently, top hacking group SiegedSec attacked the largest nuclear power lab in the United States, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and stole a long list of lab staff, threatening to make them public。You know, INL is not an ordinary laboratory, it belongs to the U.S. Department of Energy, in the nuclear test room is also a top stream, laboratory staff is also a stunt, belongs to the U.S. national protection personnel, once the list is leaked, the consequences can be unimaginable, it can be said that up to now, SiegedSec has a firm grip on the initiative。In fact, people are really not surprised by such basic practices as hacking big companies for extortion, but the blame lies in the fact that SiegedSec's reason for attacking the nuclear power laboratory is really weird.。In the blackmail letter, up is an old two-dimensional spitting fragrance: "Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow。What is this operation?It is estimated that even INL executives have never thought that in the short decades of their lives, they can still encounter such a wonderful thing.。Don't ransom for the cat lady, it's really Nekopara pushing too much, to bring the dream into reality, right??Interestingly, this is not the first time SiegedSec has made such an alternative request.。Tracing back to their previous glory, they also hacked into NATO and stole about 3,000 documents over 9 G's in size, leaving an equally confusing message。They don't do it for fame or profit, just because they "like leaks" and "hate NATO," so they planned the attack, the main one is a "free black."。A few years ago, they also hacked the Mexican telecommunications company's 6GB data, black when also by the way to eat a cheese macaroni, really insulting is not high, very harmful ah!


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