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According to a report on the website of the Russian weekly newspaper Argument and Facts on August 16, foreign mercenaries recruited by the Ukrainian armed forces actively participated in the terrorist attacks on the border areas of the Kursk region.。They are mostly Poles and Georgians, but there are also French and US citizens.。The official representatives of these countries said that "we did not send them," but it is the Western countries that guide how the Ukrainian armed forces operate on Russian territory.。

According to a report on the website of the Russian weekly newspaper Argument and Facts on August 16, foreign mercenaries recruited by the Ukrainian armed forces actively participated in the terrorist attacks on the border areas of the Kursk region.。They are mostly Poles and Georgians, but there are also French and US citizens.。The official representatives of these countries said that "we did not send them," but it is the Western countries that guide how the Ukrainian armed forces operate on Russian territory.。

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