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S & P 500 preliminary close up 0.5%, the telecom sector rose 2.7% - Component Meta up more than 5% to lead, Google A up 2.5%, the technology sector rose 0.5%, the energy sector fell 1.4%。Nasdaq 100 initially closes up 1%, Arm up 7.9% led the way, with Meta up the second most, AMD and GF also up more than 4%, Apple and Tesla up more than 2%, while Nvidia closed down 1.8%, Micron Technology fell 3.9% is the worst performer。

S & P 500 preliminary close up 0.5%, the telecom sector rose 2.7% - Component Meta up more than 5% to lead, Google A up 2.5%, the technology sector rose 0.5%, the energy sector fell 1.4%。Nasdaq 100 initially closes up 1%, Arm up 7.9% led the way, with Meta up the second most, AMD and GF also up more than 4%, Apple and Tesla up more than 2%, while Nvidia closed down 1.8%, Micron Technology fell 3.9% is the worst performer。

S & P 500 preliminary close up 0.5%, the telecom sector rose 2.7% - Component Meta up more than 5% to lead, Google A up 2.5%, the technology sector rose 0.5%, the energy sector fell 1.4%。Nasdaq 100 initially closes up 1%, Arm up 7.9% led the way, with Meta up the second most, AMD and GF also up more than 4%, Apple and Tesla up more than 2%, while Nvidia closed down 1.8%, Micron Technology fell 3.9% is the worst performer。

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