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According to authoritative sources, at the recent regular meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Council on Trade in Goods, a total of 42 specific trade concerns were reviewed, six of which were raised for the first time, and among the newly raised trade concerns, China expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the new Section 301 tariffs imposed by the United States on some Chinese goods and the new Section 301 investigation into China's maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries.。(a fortune)

According to authoritative sources, at the recent regular meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Council on Trade in Goods, a total of 42 specific trade concerns were reviewed, six of which were raised for the first time, and among the newly raised trade concerns, China expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the new Section 301 tariffs imposed by the United States on some Chinese goods and the new Section 301 investigation into China's maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries.。(a fortune)

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