XTB Limited
- United Kingdom
- 2002
Rating index
The scoring index is the total score calculated by the sum of the models based on 10 dimensions, which represents the comprehensive level of the Brokers. The higher the score, the higher the comprehensive level of the Brokers. The full score is 10 points.
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MoreCommon Problem
More1、【XTB】How does it work?
XTB pays interest on uninvested funds held on the account. Interest rate is calculated daily and paid out monthly within five days of the following month. No action is required, as the interest rate is activated automatically for all clients with uninvested cash balance. There is no minimum or maximum amount of free funds required.
2、【XTB】When interest are accrued?
Interests are accrued on daily basis at 23.00 GMT.
3、【XTB】Are rates fixed or variable?
The rates are variable and can be changed once a week.
4、【XTB】How often do interest get credited to my account?
Interests are paid to your account in 5 working days from the end of the calendar month.
5、【XTB】What do I need to do to earn interest on my free funds?
No action is required, as the interest rate is activated automatically for all XTB UK clients with uninvested cash balances. There is no minimum or maximum amount of free funds required.
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