China's out of the way. The European Union's nervous.
A spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce said on 8 August that China has decided in accordance with the law to impose provisional anti-dumping measures on imports of brandy originating in the EU.。According to the Ministry of Commerce announcement, the measure has been implemented since October 11 and is carried out in the form of margin, with a margin ratio of 30 for each company..6% -39.0%。The head of the French Qianyi industry association is worried: this indicates that China may impose tariffs。French media exclaimed: this seems to be the European Commission on China's electric car tariffs imposed "retaliation"。On October 8, local time, the shares of several major French spirits brands fell after the opening, and the Chinese market was crucial to them.。A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce also announced on the 8th that China is studying measures such as raising tariffs on imported large-displacement fuel vehicles.。