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USDJPY moves back above the 100 hour MA at 141.07

The USDJPY has announced higher after all and below the low from last Wednesday at 140.71 but stalling ahead of the December 2023 low price at 140.

The USDJPY has announced higher after all and below the low from last Wednesday at 140.71 but stalling ahead of the December 2023 low price at 140.248. The low price reached 140.43.

With the price back above the 100-hour moving average at 141.07, it keeps the buyers in play. However, they will still need to get above the 200-hour moving average and the swing area between 141.69 and 141.942. Between the 100 and 200 hour MA is or more neutral in the short term at least.

The major stock indices are now in negative territory.

  • Dow industrial average is -0.09%
  • S&P index is down -0.11%
  • NASDAQ index is down -0.14%

Looking at the US debt market:

  • 2 year yield 3.600%, +0.6 basis points
  • 5-year yield 3.463%, +3.1 basis points
  • 10 year yield 3.688%, +4.7 basis point
  • 30 year yield 4.014%, +6.1 basis points

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