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NASDAQ 指数は 430 ポイント上昇しました。時間移動平均目標に近づく。

NASDAQ インデックス。NASDAQ 指数は今日急増し、 430 ポイント ( + 2.48% ) 上昇し 17,73 2.80 と、日中最高値 17,739 と取引されています。


The ナスダック index is surging today, currently trading up 430 ポイント ( + 2.48% ) 17,732.80, with an intraday high of 17,739.04. The index has rebounded sharply after forming a ダブルボトム earlier in the week, with Tuesday’s low at 17,238.24 and a similar low at 17,239.44 in yesterday’s session. This technical pattern gave buyers confidence to step back in.

Overnight, the resolution of the アメリカ合衆国予算協定 that averted a government shutdown further fueled bullish momentum, allowing buyers to push higher. Even at today’s low, the index was still up 188.06 ポイント, indicating strong upward pressure. However, the 50 時間移動平均は 17,77 3.68 で下落しました is now in play, which could act as initial resistance. The NASDAQ has not traded above this key technical level since 2 月 20 日, making it a critical test for the current rally.

Despite today’s strong gains, the index remains down 週間の —2.58% and is still —2 月 18 日の週の高値から —1 1.9% 下落. Earlier this week, losses exceeded 14% at session lows, underscoring the recent weakness. If buyers can push through the 50-hour moving average, it could signal a stronger recovery, but failure to break above may lead to renewed selling pressure.

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