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AUDUSD と NZDUSD は、今後数週間で取引を行うテクニカルレベルを教えてください

. AUDUSD と NZDUSD の両方の価格動きは、どの方向に行くべきかを把握しようとしている市場を示しています。

AUDUSD と NZDUSD の両方の価格動きは、どの方向に行くべきかを把握しようとしている市場を示しています。

The AUDUSD has been fluctuating around the 100-バーと 200 バー移動平均 on the 4-今週の時間チャート, but is currently trading 両者の上 as it moves toward the 週間の高値and the end of the week.

The pair is now testing a 0.6326 と 0.6336 の間のスイングエリア, a key resistance zone. A confirmed break above this level next week would open the door for a move toward the 100-1 日移動平均 0.6356. Notably, the price has 2024 年 10 月 21 日以来 100 日間 MA を上回って取引されていない, making a breakout above this level a 重要な強気シグナル. If buyers take control, the next major target would be the 2 月の高値 0.6407.

Conversely, 上に壊れない the スイングエリアまたは 100 日移動平均は next week could see sellers re-enter the market and the disappointment. A move 100 バー MA ( 0.6301 ) と 200 バー MA ( 0.62888 ) を下回っている would 無効化 the upside move and shift momentum back to the downside. In that scenario, initial サポートは 0.6245 です, with a stronger 0.6162 と 0.61779 の間のスイングエリア as the next key level for buyers to defend. The next sessions will be critical in determining whether 強気はコントロールを維持するか、売り手がペアを再び下押しする場合.

Taking a look at the NZDUSD, the pairhas experienced choppy price action throughout the week but is now trading near its 週間の高値 as the day and the week comes to a close. Buyers are pushing to the upside.

Earlier in the week the bias was not as favorable for the buyers. However, the pair DID は 200 バー移動平均でサポートを見つける on the 4-時間チャート, currently at 0.56804 on two separate occasions. Holding this level has proven to be a critical テクニカルフロア, and its significance increases moving forward.

As long as the price remains このサポートの上に, the bias stays より強気. A move 下に would shift momentum back to the downside, at least in the short term.

On the 逆向き, the 100-1 日移動平均 0.5750 is now being tested, serving as a 買い手と売り手の両方のためのキーバロメーター heading into the new trading week. A sustained break 上の this level would strengthen the bullish bias, with the next targets being the 2 月の高値 0.5771, followed by a スイングエリア 0.5796. Beyond that, the 2024 年 9 月の下落の 38.2% リトレースで 0.58446 becomes the next upside objective. If buyers fail to hold momentum above the 100-DAY MA, sellers could look to regain control, making the 200-バー MA 0.56804 a crucial downside level to watch.

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