米国裁判所、バイナリーオプション詐欺で $451 M を支払うために取引会社を命じます
連邦裁判所は、偽のバイナリーオプションプラットフォームを通じて投資家を欺いた国際的な詐欺ネットワークに大きな打撃を与えました。イリノイ州北部地区のアメリカ合衆国地方裁判所は、世界中の顧客を詐欺した有罪判決を受けた後、 5 つのオフショア企業と 3 人の個人に 4 億 5100 万ドル以上の賠償金と罰金を支払うよう命じた。
Between 2014 and 2019, the defendants reportedly operated fraudulent binary options trading platforms under names like BigOption, BinaryBook, and BinaryOnline. The ruling marks a significant step in U.S. regulators' efforts to clamp down on illicit online trading Online Trading Online trading represents the trading of fiat currencies, digital currencies, commodities, stocks and indices, where traders and investors intend to make a profit, via the purchase or sale of the aforementioned products. This is done through an electronic network, made accessible by brokers in the form of an online trading platform or hub.Online trading continues to see a rapid growth year on year, due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the number of brokers offering their services, with more mone Online trading represents the trading of fiat currencies, digital currencies, commodities, stocks and indices, where traders and investors intend to make a profit, via the purchase or sale of the aforementioned products. This is done through an electronic network, made accessible by brokers in the form of an online trading platform or hub.Online trading continues to see a rapid growth year on year, due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the number of brokers offering their services, with more mone Read this Term schemes.
ウェブサイト、電子メール、電話を通じて、彼らは米国にいる多くの顧客を説得しました。バイナリーオプション取引で大きな利益を得ることができました実際には、ほとんどの投資家はお金を失ったと CFTC は述べた。
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