Bitcoin 、 Ethereum 、 XRP : FRB が金利を維持するにつれて価格がスライド
ビットコインの上昇は、米国連邦準備制度理事会が 2025 の最初の政策決定で金利を変更しないようにすることを選択したため、障害を打った。
ビットコインの上昇は、米国連邦準備制度理事会が 2025 の最初の政策決定で金利を変更しないようにすることを選択したため、障害を打った。広く期待された動きは、発表のほぼ直後に Bitcoin を $1,000 スライドしました。ドナルド · トランプ大統領が金利引き下げを推し進める中で、投資家は FRB のスタンスをいつ変えるのか疑問に思っています。
At the time of writing, the top three cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP, had not changed much in the past day but remained down on the weekly chart. Bitcoin Bitcoin While some may still be wondering what is Bitcoin, who created Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work, one thing is certain: Bitcoin has changed the world.No one can remain indifferent to this revolutionary, decentralized, digital asset nor to its blockchain technology.In fact, we’ve gone a long way ever since a Florida resident Laszlo Hanyecz made BTC’s first official commercial transaction with a real company by trading 10,000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas at his local Papa John’s.One could now argue that While some may still be wondering what is Bitcoin, who created Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work, one thing is certain: Bitcoin has changed the world.No one can remain indifferent to this revolutionary, decentralized, digital asset nor to its blockchain technology.In fact, we’ve gone a long way ever since a Florida resident Laszlo Hanyecz made BTC’s first official commercial transaction with a real company by trading 10,000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas at his local Papa John’s.One could now argue that Read this Term traded at $103k, representing a 0.86% and 1.29% decline in the past day and week, respectively.
Additionally, Ethereum Ethereum Ethereum is an open source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. Created in 2014, Ethereum now stands as the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap at the time of writing.As a decentralized cryptocurrency network and software platform, Ethereum represents the most prominent altcoin. Ethereum also enables the creation Distributed Applications, or dapps. Understanding EthereumEthereum boasts its own programming language, Ethereum is an open source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. Created in 2014, Ethereum now stands as the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap at the time of writing.As a decentralized cryptocurrency network and software platform, Ethereum represents the most prominent altcoin. Ethereum also enables the creation Distributed Applications, or dapps. Understanding EthereumEthereum boasts its own programming language, Read this Term changed hands for $3,114 on CoinMarketCap, representing a drop of 1.07% in the past day and 5% in the past week. XRP has also dropped more than 5% in the weekly chart.
FRB 、インフレ中金利引き下げ
The Federal Reserve decided to maintain its benchmark interest rate at 4.25%—4.5%, citing inflation risks and economic uncertainty, ロイター reported. The move was expected, as the central bank had previously hinted at pausing rate cuts following a 25-basis-point reduction in late 2024.
しかし、この決定は、借入コストの引き下げの必要性を主張してきた FRB とトランプ政権の間の緊張を高める可能性が高い。
先週の消費者物価指数のデータは、予想ほどインフレ率が深刻ではないことを示唆していますが、 FRB は慎重です。当局は、インフレの「進捗」に関する以前の言葉を省略し、懸念が持続していることを示した。
ジェローム · パウエル FRB 議長と彼のチームは、潜在的な関税や規制緩和を含むトランプの政策提案によって形作られる複雑な経済状況に直面している。
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