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部分的な利益獲得への「 tradeCompass アプローチ」によるユーロ貿易のアイデア

ユーロ FX 先物 (6E) のショートトレードプラン — 2025 年 2 月 20 日. tradeCompass アプローチ。これは短い取引のアイデアですが、我々は貿易コンパスアプローチを使用して、トレーダーに部分的な利益出口を提供します。

ユーロ FX 先物 ( 6E ) のショート取引計画 — 2025 年 2 月 20 日

tradeCompass アプローチ

While this is a short trade idea, we use the tradeCompass approach to provide partial profit exits for traders to consider, making this a specific case of a tradeCompass setup. Usually, in a tradeCompass, we define a 強気閾値, where if the price moves above it, we expect further upside and provide bullish profit targets. Conversely, if the price moves below a 弱気閾値, we anticipate further downside and offer partial profit targets for short traders. In this case, since it is a short setup, there is no bullish scenario, but we do offer 貿易コンパスのような部分利益目標 for the bearish move. These targets are based on a deep analysis of バリューエリア、ボリュームプロファイル、流動性プール, where market participants and algorithms are expected to react.


Euro FX Futures (6E) is currently trading at 1.04470, and technical factors suggest a potential short opportunity at higher resistance levels. The plan aims to capture a downside move while maintaining a disciplined risk management approach.



Order #Entry PriceNumber of UnitsPercent of Position Budget11.04550233.33%21.04640233.33%31.04655233.33%

加重平均エントリー価格 :1.0462合計ポジションサイズ:6 契約 (Adjust as per your risk tolerance)


  • ストップ損失:1.0493 (for full position)

  • 利益目標 :1.0280

  • リスク対報酬比率 :5.80

💡 If all orders are filled and the 最初の収益目標を達成, move the stop loss to breakeven and hold ポジションの 50% for a swing short.


In addition to the final take profit target, we are incorporating insights from the tradeCompass approach, which focuses on value areas, key price levels, liquidity pools, point of controls, and VWAPs. This approach helps traders manage risk and secure profits in stages rather than waiting for an all-or-nothing move. Traders enjoying a profitable short should keep an eye on the following partial profit targets:

  1. 1.03955 – Value Area High of February 7th.

  2. 1.03720 – Just above the Value Area High of February 12th.

  3. 1.03525 – Just above the Value Area High of February 4th and slightly above the VWAP close of February 11th.

  4. 1.03095 – Just above the Value Area High of February 3rd.

Do note that if you are swing shorting all the way to the suggested final target of 1.0280, expect at least a temporary bounce at these levels as previous profitable shorts will likely cover, and speculative scalp traders may take long positions. These price levels provide reference points for managing exits strategically.

Additionally, the suggested exit prices are placed 反応レベル以上です to account for minor slippage and price fluctuations. これをガイドライン、セカンドオピニオンとして使用し、指標とタイムフレームであなた自身の戦略に組み込みます。


📉 弱気バイアス: Short at key resistance zones with calculated risk.📊 規律ある貿易管理 : No stop loss on early entries; final stop placed above 1.0493.💰 利益の最適化: Secure partial gains at the suggested key levels and adjust stops accordingly.

🔔 TR ADE AT YO UR O WN R IS K - 個 人の リスク 許 容 度と 口座 サイズ に基づいて ポジ ション サイズ を 調整 します 。これは 財務 アドバイス ではない 。この 分析 を 指 針 として 活用 し 、 それに 応 じて 情報 に基づ いた 意思決定 を行 います 。ForexLive.com追加 ビュー

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