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ChatGPT 在弗里茨之后备份

OpenAI & # x27; 强大的 AI 在周二早上多次关闭了成千上万的用户.

根据 OpenAI 的状态页面 , 由于一系列重大中断 , 周二上午所有用户的 ChatGPT 都出现了故障.有两次明显的停电 , 第一次是在凌晨 3 点左右开始的。.m.美国东部时间和美国东部时间上午 10: 30 左右的一秒钟 , 但该应用程序现在似乎可以运行.目前还不清楚停电的原因是什么.


AT&T Users Report Major Problems Making Calls in U.S.Powerful New Chatbot Mysteriously Returns in the Middle of the NightGoogle’s Antitrust Case Is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to AI “We experienced a major outage impacting all users on all plans of ChatGPT. The impact included all ChatGPT related services,” OpenAI said on its status page Tuesday morning. The company marked the issue as “resolved” as of 1 p.m. ET.

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Multiple Gizmodo staffers were unable to access ChatGPT as of 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday morning. The ChatGPT webpage was struggling to load, and the service would not allow prompts to be entered. OpenAI later noted that users still having issues may need to perform a “hard refresh” in order to get the ChatGPT website working again.

OpenAI 的中断已经变得有些普遍 , 这使得人们在工作日很难依赖 ChatGPT.OpenAI 的状态页面显示了过去 90 天内发生的十多次中断 , 但是通常在不到一个小时的时间内就可以解决。.

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