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As the 16th BRICS summit approaches,the world is watching with anticipation. With the introduction of new membersand the ongoing development of a BRICS currency, this gathering could mark asignificant turning point in international finance. Will the summit unveil anew era of economic cooperation and bring about a new currency? Octa经纪人 provides the answers.







BRICS countries are due to meet fortheir 16 annual summit in Kazan, Russia, on 22-24 October. BRICS,a fast-growing intergovernmental organisation currently consisting of ninemember states (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt,Ethiopia, and the United Aran Emirates), has been holding regular summits since2009. However, many past gatherings have been relatively low-key, as BRICS wasconsidered primarily as a platform for discussion and viewed mainly as a forumfor dialogue. Still, there have been notable exceptions, and the organisationhas been getting increasingly more vocal lately.

● In 2009, following the 1StSummit in Yekaterinburg, Russia, the BRIC group (South Africa was not part ofthe organisation then) declared the need for a new world reserve currency.Although the official statement did not include any explicit intentions or anaction-plan, it was the first time the U.S. dollar dominance was challenged onsuch a high level.

● In 2014, at its 6 Summit heldin Fortaleza, Brazil, BRICS adopted the so-called Fortaleza Declaration andAction Plan. It laid out the organisation's plans for the future and focused onpolitical dialogue, economic cooperation and integration, and culturalexchange.

● The 14 Summit, presided byChina in 2022 and hosted virtually, aimed to strengthen cooperation among thefive member states. It was at this summit that Russia's president announcedthat the organisation was working to design a new reserve currency based on a basketof BRICS currencies.

● The 15 Summit, which tookplace in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2023 was particularly notable as fivenew countries were invited to join the organisation (Argentina, Egypt,Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates). Although Argentina laterdeclined to accept the invitation, other countries officially became members ofBRICS on December 29, 2023 with Saudi Arabia joining later.

“很明显,金砖国家峰会正变得越来越值得关注,该组织不能再被视为一个空谈场所。今年,金砖国家会议可能会成为又一个转折点,特别是对于国际金融来说,” says Kar Yong Ang, a financial marketanalyst at Octa Broker.


Specifically, the creation of acommon BRICS currency is expected to be included in the agenda. 'It[BRICS common currency]可以说是自1999年欧元推出以来国际金融中最雄心勃勃的项目,” says KarYong Ang, noting that while rumors about the BRICS currency have beencirculating for years, they are now more likely than ever to become reality inthe near future.

Still, Octa Broker does not expect anew currency to be fully unveiled during the summit in Kazan but anticipatessubstantial advancements in its conceptualisation and development. Despite itsmany benefits, there are significant challenges to overcome before such acurrency can be successfully implemented. Furthermore, it is not entirely clearif the BRICS is aiming to create a mere means of exchange between its membersto settle transactions in international trade or is building something moregrandiose, such as a Monetary Union, akin to Eurozone, with its own centralbank. “目前,货币联盟肯定是不可能的,” argues Kar Yong Ang, a financial marketanalyst at Octa Broker.




Kar Yong Ang, a financial marketanalyst at Octa Broker, notes: “金砖四国货币本身不会成为货币。它不会采取物理形式,所以在某种意义上它是概念性的。它的主要目的是充当一个简单的技术解决方案。” Indeed, at the onset, BRICS common currency willlikely be purely digital and will be used exclusively on the BRICS paymentplatform, called mBridge, supported by the Bank of International Settlement(BIS). BRICS' mBridge will serve as a gateway for settlements in central bankdigital currencies (CBDs). Effectively, it will act as an alternative totoday's most commonly used payment platform, called Society for WorldwideInterbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system.







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