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Finalto集团首席执行官Matthew Maloney辞职

Finalto由总部位于香港的Gopher Investments拥有,该公司将与辞去集团首席执行官职务的Matthew Maloney分道扬镳。

Finalto, owned by Hong Kong-based Gopher Investments, is parting ways with Matthew Maloney, who is stepping down as its Group Chief Executive Officer. The reason for his departure remains unknown. Finance Magnates reached out to Finalto and Maloney over the past two days with solid information about the CEO’s departure, but the firm chose to address the comment request through a public post on its website.



Finalto Financial Services首席执行官Paul Groves表示:“随着马修的前进,我们认识到他在公司发展中所发挥的作用。虽然他将不再是领导团队的一员,但他的贡献仍然是Finalto历史的一部分,因为我们将继续专注于创新和增长。”

2022年底,马洛尼接任了Finalto集团旗下所有实体的最高职位。在成为集团首席执行官之前,他曾担任Finalto两家英国实体Finalto Financial Services和Finalto Trading的首席执行官。

他被任命为集团首席执行官是Gopher最早的管理层变动之一,Gopher以2.5亿美元的现金交易从Playtech手中收购了Finalto。马洛尼取代了罗恩·霍夫曼,后者在戈菲尔收购这家金融服务巨头后辞职。另一位长期员工、Finalto集团首席运营官Liron Greenbaum也同时离职。

Finalto(原名TradeTech Group)提供B2B和B2C产品和解决方案。虽然它以Finalto品牌提供B2B服务,但其零售服务以Markets.com品牌运营,这是一家差价合约(差价合约)经纪商。



与此同时,马洛尼是一位金融行业资深人士,拥有约三十年的经验。在CFH Clearing Limited整合到Finalto品牌之前,他曾担任流动性提供商CFH Clearing Limited的首席执行官。他还曾在顶级金融机构工作,包括TTT Moneycorp、富时国际、伦敦证券交易所和普华永道。

Finance Magnates earlier reported that the two UK-registered entities of the Finalto Group, Finalto Trading Limited (previously Tradetech Alpha Limited) and Finalto Financial Services Limited (formerly CFH Clearing Limited), ended 2023 with a combined turnover of more than $74.1 million, a decline of about 7.9 per cent. However, combined profits soared to $13 million from 2022’s $6 million, marking a year-on-year increase of 116 per cent.

与此同时,Finalto Trading正在将其客户转移到其姊妹实体Finalto Financial Services。

Finalto, owned by Hong Kong-based Gopher Investments, is parting ways with Matthew Maloney, who is stepping down as its Group Chief Executive Officer. The reason for his departure remains unknown. Finance Magnates reached out to Finalto and Maloney over the past two days with solid information about the CEO’s departure, but the firm chose to address the comment request through a public post on its website.



Finalto Financial Services首席执行官Paul Groves表示:“随着马修的前进,我们认识到他在公司发展中所发挥的作用。虽然他将不再是领导团队的一员,但他的贡献仍然是Finalto历史的一部分,因为我们将继续专注于创新和增长。”

2022年底,马洛尼接任了Finalto集团旗下所有实体的最高职位。在成为集团首席执行官之前,他曾担任Finalto两家英国实体Finalto Financial Services和Finalto Trading的首席执行官。

他被任命为集团首席执行官是Gopher最早的管理层变动之一,Gopher以2.5亿美元的现金交易从Playtech手中收购了Finalto。马洛尼取代了罗恩·霍夫曼,后者在戈菲尔收购这家金融服务巨头后辞职。另一位长期员工、Finalto集团首席运营官Liron Greenbaum也同时离职。

Finalto(原名TradeTech Group)提供B2B和B2C产品和解决方案。虽然它以Finalto品牌提供B2B服务,但其零售服务以Markets.com品牌运营,这是一家差价合约(差价合约)经纪商。



与此同时,马洛尼是一位金融行业资深人士,拥有约三十年的经验。在CFH Clearing Limited整合到Finalto品牌之前,他曾担任流动性提供商CFH Clearing Limited的首席执行官。他还曾在顶级金融机构工作,包括TTT Moneycorp、富时国际、伦敦证券交易所和普华永道。

Finance Magnates earlier reported that the two UK-registered entities of the Finalto Group, Finalto Trading Limited (previously Tradetech Alpha Limited) and Finalto Financial Services Limited (formerly CFH Clearing Limited), ended 2023 with a combined turnover of more than $74.1 million, a decline of about 7.9 per cent. However, combined profits soared to $13 million from 2022’s $6 million, marking a year-on-year increase of 116 per cent.

与此同时,Finalto Trading正在将其客户转移到其姊妹实体Finalto Financial Services。

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