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The USDJPY dropped to its lowest level since 2024年10月, breaking below this week’s 前期低点148.102 and reaching a key 挥杆面积在147.21和147.338之间, with a session low of 147.30. Buyers stepped in at this support zone, driving a rebound.

The recovery gained momentum after 美国商务部长卢特尼克的评论 boosted economic sentiment, leading to a rise in Treasury yields. The 10-年期国债收益率 is now up 七个基点至4.337%, supporting the 美元兑日元反弹.

If the upside continues, the next resistance targets are the 148.56-148.72秋千区, followed by the 50%回撤 of the September-to-January rally at 149.22.


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