Next BASKET宣布推出NEBA Token,为其Web 3电子商务生态系统提供动力
Next BASKET是一个基于人工智能构建在线商店的软件平台。目前销售正在四大洲进行。
Next BASKET是一个基于人工智能构建在线商店的软件平台。目前销售正在四大洲进行。
Next BASKET在NEBAToken销售收入的帮助下,为世界上第一个去中心化的在线商店和市场平台奠定了基础。通过区块链技术实现的电子商务去中心化消除了中间商并提供了众多优势。
NEBA Token的实用性!
NEBA Token是在线商店忠诚度计划的基础,该计划建立在NEXT BASKET平台上,旨在激励客户和商户。在线商店的最终客户每次购买都会获得NEBA代币的奖金。
我们现在在哪里: The current online models in the Web2 universe have already run out of options for their development, despite the advent of AI.
我们想去哪里:从根本上改变电子商务的唯一方法是进入Web 3环境,利用区块链进行去中心化运营。
为什么要去中心化的Web 3电子商务?
更多收入:Blockchain-enabled decentralization eliminates middlemen, allowing merchants to retain more of the profits.
更安全:Blockchain technology ensures transparency and protection against hacking attacks for both online stores and customer accounts.
更便宜:Transaction and logistics costs are reduced through blockchain-driven efficiencies.
Faster: Streamlined blockchain processes enable faster delivery and better service.
INancy:The world's first decentralized Web3 online stores and marketplace platforms.
真实业务:NEXT BASKET is a proven and growing business, already established on a global level.
技术基础:The combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence provides unique advantages for merchants and customers.
为什么投资NEBA Token?
巨额利润机会:The price of NEBA Token is expected to reach $3.50 in the first year. You create the future: You participate in building the foundations of Web3 online commerce
保证价格上涨:The need for the continuous purchase of tokens by online store owners guarantees the constant increase of the price of NEBA Token on crypto exchanges.
Liquidity provided: About half of the proceeds are dedicated to providing liquidity and maintaining the price of the NEBA Token.
NEBA Token is issuing 1 billion tokens and plans to acquire $30 million from sales.
The majority of this amount is used for marketing and for the development of the NEXT BASKET ecosystem.
NEBA Token不仅仅是一种加密货币,而且是正在改变电子商务的真实且经过验证的业务的一部分。现在就趁机投资这个项目
私人销售已经开始-确保您在Web 3电子商务的未来中的地位。请访问公司网站了解更多信息。
Next BASKET是一个基于人工智能构建在线商店的软件平台。目前销售正在四大洲进行。
Next BASKET在NEBAToken销售收入的帮助下,为世界上第一个去中心化的在线商店和市场平台奠定了基础。通过区块链技术实现的电子商务去中心化消除了中间商并提供了众多优势。
NEBA Token的实用性!
NEBA Token是在线商店忠诚度计划的基础,该计划建立在NEXT BASKET平台上,旨在激励客户和商户。在线商店的最终客户每次购买都会获得NEBA代币的奖金。
我们现在在哪里: The current online models in the Web2 universe have already run out of options for their development, despite the advent of AI.
我们想去哪里:从根本上改变电子商务的唯一方法是进入Web 3环境,利用区块链进行去中心化运营。
为什么要去中心化的Web 3电子商务?
更多收入:Blockchain-enabled decentralization eliminates middlemen, allowing merchants to retain more of the profits.
更安全:Blockchain technology ensures transparency and protection against hacking attacks for both online stores and customer accounts.
更便宜:Transaction and logistics costs are reduced through blockchain-driven efficiencies.
Faster: Streamlined blockchain processes enable faster delivery and better service.
INancy:The world's first decentralized Web3 online stores and marketplace platforms.
真实业务:NEXT BASKET is a proven and growing business, already established on a global level.
技术基础:The combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence provides unique advantages for merchants and customers.
为什么投资NEBA Token?
巨额利润机会:The price of NEBA Token is expected to reach $3.50 in the first year. You create the future: You participate in building the foundations of Web3 online commerce
保证价格上涨:The need for the continuous purchase of tokens by online store owners guarantees the constant increase of the price of NEBA Token on crypto exchanges.
Liquidity provided: About half of the proceeds are dedicated to providing liquidity and maintaining the price of the NEBA Token.
NEBA Token is issuing 1 billion tokens and plans to acquire $30 million from sales.
The majority of this amount is used for marketing and for the development of the NEXT BASKET ecosystem.
NEBA Token不仅仅是一种加密货币,而且是正在改变电子商务的真实且经过验证的业务的一部分。现在就趁机投资这个项目
私人销售已经开始-确保您在Web 3电子商务的未来中的地位。请访问公司网站了解更多信息。
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