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It's really "leather yellow."?Why does NVIDIA Huang boss always wear leather clothes?

With a wave of AI fever, Nvidia CEO Huang Renxun has also made frequent appearances this year。Whether it's a press conference or a daily interview, Huang always wears a cool black leather jacket to meet everyone, and he's full of punk.。When attending the event in 2016, Huang even teased himself that he was the man in black leather who liked to emphasize things three times。So, as a billionaire, how can the CEO of Nvidia have a soft spot for a black leather jacket??There are many rumors about Lao Huang's leather jacket, some say that Lao Huang is a futuristic soldier who needs to ride a motorcycle to and from work every day, there are rumors that Lao Huang's leather jacket is bulletproof, and some even say that Lao Huang's leather jacket is full of 4090 graphics cards, which is getting more and more outrageous.。In the end, Lao Huang simply came out on his own to refute the rumor, in fact, he dressed like this, it was entirely the idea of his wife and daughter, and had nothing to do with himself.。The company's big and small things, usually old Huang himself has the final say, but at home, still have to listen to his wife and daughter, it seems, although old Huang in the outside mixed up, but the family "brother" position is still visible ah!


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