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How to open an account with Valuable Capital? Latest Online Account Opening Tutorial (Version 2025)

How long does it actually take to open an account with Valuable Capital? What are the key points of review? This real-world article takes you through the account opening process firsthand, avoiding account opening problems in advance.


Founded in Hong Kong, China in 2016 and strategically invested by Sina Group in June 2017, Watson Group is a leading technology and financial integrated enterprise. Currently, it has set up branches in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States and Saudi Arabia, and its services cover the global mainstream financial markets.

Valuable Capital, a subsidiary of Valuable Group, is Sina's Internet broker and the only Hong Kong and U.S. stock brokerage partner, with 10 years of experience in Hong Kong brokerage operations and management. The core team of the brokerage firm has rich investment experience in global financial markets. The firm provides a wide range of services including securities trading, asset management, IPO underwriting, etc. It follows the laws and regulations of Hong Kong to build a comprehensive financial service system.

Valuable Capital Account Opening Procedure

  • Account opening fee: 0
  • Account opening verification time: 1-2 working days

Prepared Information

  • Proof of Identity: Mainland China Resident Identity Card (ID card within the validity period, and has reached 18 years of age)
  • Proof of Investment Account Statement: Investment account statement opened on or before 29 February 2024 from a non-Mainland China bank or brokerage firm is required, and the account type includes securities, futures, funds and bonds. The statement should contain the brokerage firm name, account number, account name and date.
  • Bank card information: Mainland China bank card (for identity verification, only bank card number is required)

Valuable Capital provides convenient online account opening channels for users in different regions. Below are the account opening steps for users in Mainland China:

1. Download VBrokers App

Download and install VBrokers App from the official website or app store.

2. Register Account

After registering your account with a valid email address or cell phone number, click Open Account - Open Account Now.

Note: You must be in Hong Kong or overseas at the time of application.

Please select your account opening method - Chinese Mainland Resident Identity Card to open an account, read the “Consent to Personal Data Collection”, “Customer Agreement” and click Next.


3. Upload investment account statement proof

Enter the name of the brokerage firm where you have opened your account, account number and supporting documents. The supporting documents support images and should be proof of account for securities accounts with Hong Kong licensed brokerage firms/banks, including but not limited to account daily/monthly statements, account opening documents, account asset certificates and other official documents, which should contain the brokerage firm name, account number, account name and date.

Click Next after completion to enter the identity verification.


4. Mainland China Identity Verification

According to the relevant laws and regulations of the brokerage firm's location, new users are required to provide ID information for account opening verification. Photograph or upload the front and back of the ID card, tick ‘I agree to the terms and conditions of the Facial Recognition Service Agreement and the Guangdong-Hong Kong Cross-border Electronic Transactions GDCA Digital Certificate User Agreement’, and start the facial recognition. 


5. Fill in basic information, job information and financial status.

  • Basic Information: Enter your mobile phone number, birth address and email address, click next after confirming that there is no error.
  • Work Status: Fill in your work status, company name, industry nature, company position and years of working experience according to your real situation.
  • Financial Status: Select annual income, total net worth, home ownership, source of funds and investment purpose according to your real situation.

6. Investment life and account type

  • Investment life: you can choose according to your actual situation, newbie white can tick the box as shown in the picture.
  • Account type: It is divided into cash account and financing account. Among them, financing account contains cash account function, you can use your own funds to trade, and you can also use the financing function to amplify your earnings.

Beginner account can be ticked together with the ‘Hong Kong stocks’ and ‘U.S. stocks’, if the ‘fund’, ‘futures’, If you are interested in ‘funds’, ‘futures’, ‘bonds’ can also be ticked together.

7. Personal Statement and Account Opening Agreement

Confirm personal statement and read all the account opening agreement, enter the next step.

8. Fill in the tax information

  • Select ‘China’ for tax region. Please fill in your ID number.
  • Please check the box ‘I certify that I am a resident of Mainland China and apply for tax treaty benefits under the U.S.-China Tax Treaty’.
  • Electronically sign your tax form.

9. Risk Disclosure and Signing Personal Name

After listening to the risk disclosure recording and signing your name, click Submit Account Application.


10. Data Review

After submitting the information to enter the information review, is expected to complete the review within 1-2 working days, at this time you can fill out the invitation code to receive the benefits.

Register through Hawk Insight designated link and enter the invitation code [S6HA], instantly open an account!


  • Authenticity of information: Ensure that all information provided is true and valid so as not to affect the progress of the audit.
  • Proof of stock requirements: investment account statements must meet the conditions mentioned above, otherwise it may lead to account opening application is rejected.
  • Contact Support: If you encounter any problems during the account opening process, you can obtain assistance through the online customer service on the official website of Hua Sheng Securities or by calling our service hotline at +852 2508 4588.

▎Hawk Insight Exclusive Account Opening Offer

Open an account with Valuable Capital in February and make your first deposit amount (or equivalent) ≥ HK$10,000 / US$1,300, you will receive the following deluxe benefits:

  1. HK$400 Trading Cash Coupon to give you an edge on your investment from the very first trade.
  2. HK Stocks Trading 90-Day Commission-Free Credit Card (worth HK$7,000) and US Stocks Trading 90-Day Commission-Free Credit Card (worth US$900), exclusively for users of specific account opening channels, to help you save trading costs and increase investment returns.
  3. US$25 Trading Cash Coupon for more flexibility in your investment.
  4. HK$300 IPO Subscription Coupon to help you capitalize on quality IPO opportunities.
  5. 180-day commission-free futures (worth US$128) to further broaden your investment horizon.
  6. You can also get 1 share of Occidental Petroleum (OXY) valued at around HK$400 after 30 days of retaining the initial deposit amount.

Register through Hawk Insight designated link and enter the invitation code [S6HA], instantly open an account!

▎ Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Is Valuable Capital safe?

Valuable Capital is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong under License Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 (Central No. AUL711) to provide securities trading, futures contracts trading, advising on securities, advising on futures contracts, and providing asset management.

Valuable Capital is also a broker-dealer regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (License No. CRD: 312531; SEC: 8-70658), holds a U.S. Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) license, and is an accredited member of the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the U.S. Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

In terms of information security management system, Valuable Capital has obtained ISO/IEC27001 and ISO/IEC27701 double certificates issued by DNV, an international authority, to guarantee the security of trading information; its fully self-developed counter and clearing system can enhance the performance of trading while providing multiple protections for assets; in addition, the bank-grade encryption technology equips multiple encryptions for the SSL of trading, which makes it more reliable. In addition, bank-level encryption technology provides multiple encryptions for SSL transactions, making it more reliable.

In addition, Valuable Capital has established a mechanism of “full segregation of guest assets” to ensure the safety of clients' funds - the account is entrusted to the custody of BOC Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), and assets are segregated throughout the whole process. In addition, HK Stocks transactions are protected by the ICC Fund of the Hong Kong Investor Compensation Company, and the Investor Compensation Fund can reach up to 500,000 dollars.

2. What are the advantages of Valuable Capital?

  • Diversified global investment opportunities: One super account connects to global financial markets such as HK Stocks, US Stocks, A Shares (Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect), etc. It supports quotes and trades of stocks, derivatives, bonds, funds and futures.
  • Low investment fee: Commission-free trading with minimum charge HK$15, direct reduction when buying and selling, and free instant quotes for eligible users.
  • 7x24-hour service team: Mandarin, Cantonese and English online and telephone customer service is open all hours of the day and night, answering customers' usage questions and related concerns in a comprehensive manner and at all times.
  • Self-developed platform VBrokers: market orders, conditional orders, intelligent stock selection and other trading functions are free of charge, supporting the use of cell phones, PCs and other multi-terminal, to capture every trading opportunity.
  • Top quotes in real time: directly connected to the exchange, always stay connected with the market more support HK Stocks LV2, and provide professional all-US quotes, and the market with the same frequency trading.
  • Multiple leverage, dark trading: 0 cash to help HK Stocks IPO one-click IPO subscription, easy to participate in the cornerstone and international placement.

Register through Hawk Insight designated link, enter the invitation code [S6HA], You can successfully open a Valuable Capital account and start your investment journey. For further information, please visit Customer Service.


Disclaimer: The views in this article are from the original Creator and do not represent the views or position of Hawk Insight. The content of the article is for reference, communication and learning only, and does not constitute investment advice. If it involves copyright issues, please contact us for deletion.

Valuable Capital Account Opening Procedure
Prepared Information
1. Download VBrokers App
2. Register Account
3. Upload investment account statement proof
4. Mainland China Identity Verification
5. Fill in basic information, job information and financial status.
6. Investment life and account type
7. Personal Statement and Account Opening Agreement
8. Fill in the tax information
9. Risk Disclosure and Signing Personal Name
10. Data Review
▎Hawk Insight Exclusive Account Opening Offer
▎ Frequently Asked Questions
1.  Is Valuable Capital safe?
2. What are the advantages of Valuable Capital?
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