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On July 3, in Xiaopeng MONA's first model M03 real car live debut, Xiaopeng Chairman He Xiaopeng revealed that the MONA series has invested 4 billion yuan, before and after spending nearly 4 years。He Xiaopeng said that he is committed to making the M03 a smarter and more suitable car for young people。(Auto)

On July 3, in Xiaopeng MONA's first model M03 real car live debut, Xiaopeng Chairman He Xiaopeng revealed that the MONA series has invested 4 billion yuan, before and after spending nearly 4 years。He Xiaopeng said that he is committed to making the M03 a smarter and more suitable car for young people。(Auto)

On July 3, in Xiaopeng MONA's first model M03 real car live debut, Xiaopeng Chairman He Xiaopeng revealed that the MONA series has invested 4 billion yuan, before and after spending nearly 4 years。He Xiaopeng said that he is committed to making the M03 a smarter and more suitable car for young people。(Auto)

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