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"Tencent beating"?Tencent Video and Shake Voice Turn Enemies into Friends to Reach Cooperation!

On April 7, the tremolo official said, tremolo and Tencent video announced a cooperation, the two sides will focus on the long and short video linkage promotion, short video secondary creation and other aspects of cooperation, mutual promotion and win-win new pattern.。

Just today, two Internet giants suddenly announced a "handshake."?

Tencent video and tremolo officially announce cooperation

On April 7, the tremolo official said, tremolo and Tencent video announced a cooperation, the two sides will focus on the long and short video linkage promotion, short video secondary creation and other aspects of cooperation, mutual promotion and win-win new pattern.。

Specifically, Tencent Video will authorize Vibrato to enjoy the right to disseminate information on the network and the right to sublicense the long video, and clear the two creation methods, publishing rules.。In the future, users of the tremolo group's tremolo, watermelon video, today's headlines and other platforms can create these works for the second time.。The cooperation will provide full protection for the creation and dissemination of high-quality short video content and create a better user experience for users.。

Tencent Video said in the cooperation statement, has been adhering to the open and innovative attitude, to meet the needs of users as the center, is committed to the development of high-quality content and the expansion of ecological cooperation.。This time, Tencent Video will license the long videos that are entitled to information network dissemination rights and sub-licensing rights to Douyin, including a large number of diversified high-quality film and television content, which will greatly stimulate the creative enthusiasm of short video creators.。

In addition, Tencent Video and TikTok have also clarified the methods and release rules for short video derivative creation to jointly promote the creation and dissemination of short videos.。This cooperation is an important step taken by the audio-visual industry in the innovative use of film and television content copyright, and the way of genuine licensing will provide full protection for the creation and dissemination of high-quality short video content, thus promoting the continuous expansion of the quality content pool of the audio-visual industry and ultimately creating a better audio-visual experience for users.。

The tremolo also said that in the past few years, the tremolo has helped many film and television works break the circle, allowing excellent content to be seen and loved by more audiences.。Shake has always respected intellectual property rights and actively sought better cooperation with long video platforms.。TikTok Group looks forward to this joint effort to become another important exploration of mutual benefit and win-win in the long and short video industry, to achieve a win-win situation for the film and television industry, video creators, users and platforms.。


Tencent Video and the "History of Struggle"

In November last year, the news that the tremolo was awarded more than 32 million yuan to Tencent by the Xi'an Intermediate People's Court for infringement of "Yunnan Worm Valley" once sparked heated debate.。

This is what happened。At the end of August last year, the online drama "Yunnan Worm Valley," adapted from the novel "Ghost Blowing Lights," was exclusively launched on Tencent Video。After the series went live, a large number of clips of "Yunnan Worm Valley" edited by users appeared on the tremolo platform, and Tencent then took Beijing Microbroadcast Vision Technology Co., Ltd. (the main operator of the tremolo) to court.。

The Xi'an Intermediate People's Court held that a large number of users on the tremolo platform had infringed on the works involved, and that although tremolo had taken measures to reduce the number of infringing works, the infringement had not been effectively curbed.。Shake sound is therefore a help infringement, should immediately take effective measures to delete, filter, intercept the relevant video。

Finally, taking into account the type of work involved, well-known degree, possible losses, expected gains, rights protection behavior, the scale and duration of the defendant's infringement, subjective malice, possible benefits and other factors, the court found that the infringement of information network dissemination rights by the micro-broadcast horizon, the economic loss to the copyright owner of "Yunnan Worm Valley" was 2 million yuan / set, and the final economic losses and reasonable costs totaled over 32 million yuan。

In addition, Tencent has also sued Douyin for allegedly infringing Tencent Video's self-made projects such as "Douluo Mainland," "You Are My Glory" and "Anti-Black Storm," and has filed a claim of up to 800 million yuan.。

It is understood that in 2021, the most intense struggle between the two sides, in the second half of the year alone, Tencent sued for copyright infringement as many as 168 times, the total amount of more than 29.4.3 billion yuan。

Of course, in the face of Tencent's fierce offensive, the tremolo is not without action.。Previously, ByteDance had also claimed 10 million yuan from Tencent Video for its long-standing short videos that infringed on the copyright of Bright Sword.。

It was because of such frequent struggles that today's sudden cooperation between the two giants seemed unexpected.。


Long and short video, win-win cooperation


It is reported that this cooperation with Tencent is also the third cooperation of tremolo in the market mainstream long video platform.。The other two were Sohu and iQiyi.。And there's also news that Trek is currently in talks with Youku about a partnership。

Specifically, in March last year, tremolo and Sohu reached a cooperation, Sohu all homemade film and television works secondary creation related authorization。According to the content of the cooperation between the two parties, the tremolo platform and users can re-edit, arrange or adapt the relevant film and television works.。In the future, the two sides will continue to cooperate in the promotion of new dramas, such as creative marketing or video solicitation.。

Shortly after reaching a partnership with Sohu, Douyin quickly announced a partnership with iQiyi.。In July 2022, iQiyi and Douyin Group announced a partnership to explore the secondary creation and promotion of long video content.。Based on the cooperation, iQIYI will license long video content with information network dissemination rights and sub-licenses in its content assets to the Douyin Group for short video creation.。The two sides have made specific agreements on the interpretation, mixing, tearing and other forms of short video creation, and will jointly promote the standardized use of long video content intellectual property rights.。

The above cooperation is also in line with the development strategy of Douyin: respecting intellectual property rights and actively seeking better cooperation with long video platforms.。Shake sound looks forward to this hand in hand to become another important exploration of long and short video industry mutual benefit and win-win, to achieve a win-win situation for the film and television industry, video creators, users and platforms.。


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