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How much AI regulatory restrictions?OpenAI founder says no plans to go public

On June 6, Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of US AI technology company OpenAI, said at a conference in Abu Dhabi that OpenAI has no plans to go public.。

On June 6, Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of US AI technology company OpenAI, said at a conference in Abu Dhabi that OpenAI has no plans to go public.。

ChatGPT is driving the world's AI frenzy on its own, which has led to capital markets being concerned about whether OpenAI is seeking to go public。To date, the company's valuation has reached $30 billion.。So, when asked about plans to go public, Altman said: "When we develop superintelligence, we may make some decisions that most investors will be very strange.。"I don't want to be sued by the open market, Wall Street, et cetera, so (the answer is) no, not that interested."。"

OpenAI was originally a non-profit organization, but because of the money spent on AI research, OpenAI was reorganized into a limited profit organization in 2019, and the company was able to bring in strategic investments from the outside world.。This is one of the reasons Altman explained not to go public: "We have a very strange structure.。We have a profit cap。"

During this time, Altman is at several local events around the world to discuss the current state and future development of AI.。And one of the most discussed topics is regulation.。


The European Union will give birth to the world's first AI-related bill, which Altman called "over-regulation."


While building AI capabilities, Altman and many prominent scientists involved in creating the technology have warned of the threat it poses, particularly content-generating AI such as ChatGPT.。They asked the relevant agencies to regulate it.。

In fact, the development of AI-related laws has been planned in many countries and regions, such as China, Australia, Japan, Israel, etc.。Among them, the EU has moved quickly and has announced the development of an artificial intelligence bill, which may be the world's first set of artificial intelligence-related regulations.。It is reported that EU lawmakers have reached consensus on the draft bill。Subsequent debates will be held between representatives of Parliament, the Council and the Commission to hammer out the final details of the bill.。

As part of the draft, companies deploying generative AI tools such as ChatGPT will have to disclose any copyrighted material used to develop their systems.。Earlier, OpenAI was criticized for not disclosing the training data of its latest AI model GPT-4.。The company did not disclose details, citing "competitive landscape and security implications."。Perhaps the bill stepped on the sore foot of OpenAI, and as soon as the EU's draft came out, Altman said: "The current EU draft law on artificial intelligence is over-regulated.。He said that if the EU's upcoming AI laws are too difficult to comply with, OpenAI will withdraw from Europe.。

Altman then drew criticism from EU lawmakers。EU industry chief Thierry Breton said: "Let's be clear that our rules are made for the safety and well-being of our citizens and this is not negotiable.。Dragos Tudorache, a member of the European Parliament who led the drafting of the EU proposal, said: "These regulations are mainly about transparency, which ensures that artificial intelligence and the companies that build it are trustworthy, and I don't see any reason why companies would shy away from transparency.。"

OpenAI had its first clash with regulators in March。Garante, the Italian data regulator, shut down the app at home and accused OpenAI of flouting European privacy rules.。Subsequently, OpenAI urgently developed new privacy measures for users, and ChatGPT was able to go back online.。



Employment is facing the impact of AI?IMF official's latest warning: Generative AI will "severely disrupt the labor market"


Another hot topic is how big the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market is.?

Many experts point out that AI poses a threat to many existing jobs, including industries such as transportation and logistics, logistics and administration, production, services and retail.。

At the time of the European event, Altman had said that the jobs of the future looked "very different from many jobs today," adding that there would also be jobs in the future.。But that answer doesn't allay people's concerns.。

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is also concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on employment.。The IMF's first vice president, Gita Gopinath, warned that generative AI would "severely disrupt the labor market" and called on policymakers to quickly develop regulations governing the technology.。

Gopinath believes that while breakthroughs based on artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT could boost productivity and economic output, she warns that the risks are "very large."。

She also cited the example of manufacturing automation as a warning of the risk, because in her view, "AI may be no less disruptive than the industrial revolution of Adam Smith's time."。Gopinath said economists had incorrectly predicted that large numbers of laid-off auto line workers would find better jobs in other industries.。But "the lesson we've learned is that it's necessary to make sure that people who can't keep up can actually be assigned to productive work."。She said it was the failure to do so that led to a "strong backlash against globalization" in the aftermath of the financial crisis.。

So, Gopinath called for: "We need governments, we need institutions, and we need policymakers to act quickly on all fronts, both in terms of regulation and to be prepared for possible substantial disruptions in the labor market."。"

She also advocated for the government to establish a "social safety net" for workers affected by AI applications, while setting a tax policy that does not reward companies that replace employees with machines.。

Gopinath specifically reminded policymakers to be careful in case some companies take an impeccable position in new technologies。She says she doesn't want an unfair advantage for supersized companies with vast amounts of data and computing power。

The IMF's warning is not unreasonable, although ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence came out soon, but its display of "intelligence" level has greatly impacted people's cognition.。When the tide of technology is surging, how to maximize the use of new technologies while minimizing the impact of new technologies on vulnerable groups has become a challenge that global regulators have to face.。

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