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香港对冲基金经理分发 5 美元.6M 从虚假交易中非法获利

MMT 已命令 Tarascon 的前负责官员 Jonathan Dominic Iu Wai Ching 放弃超过 5 美元的非法利润.600 万.

市场失当行为审裁处 ( MMT ) 已命令 Tarascon Capital Management ( Hong Kong ) Limited 的前负责人员 Jonathan Dominic Iu Wai Ching 先生分发超过 5 美元的非法利润.在证券及期货事务监察委员会 (证监会) 提起法律诉讼后 , 600 万人因虚假交易而被取消资格四年.

在 2014 年 8 月至 9 月的 22 个交易日中 , Iu 通过 Tarascon 管理的对冲基金及其母亲的经纪账户同时下了国药科技控股有限公司和量子思维有限公司的股票订单 , 导致相互执行的相反订单.

这些匹配的交易 , 其结果是在上市股票中制造了虚假或误导性的活跃交易 , 或者就交易价格而言 , 导致了 5 美元的收益.以对冲基金为代价 , 在他母亲的经纪账户中有 600 万.

在当时 , 负责管理对冲基金并做出投资决策的 Iu 还是 Tarascon 的董事 , 首席投资官和大股东.

MMT 对 Iu 发出以下命令 :

  • a disqualification order prohibiting him from being a director or involved in the management of any listed or unlisted corporation in Hong Kong for four years, effective from 28 June 2024;
  • he is banned from dealing in securities, futures contracts, leveraged foreign exchange contracts or collective investment schemes in Hong Kong for four years, effective from 28 June 2024;
  • he is not to engage in any conduct which constitutes market misconduct;
  • he is to pay to the Government the sum of $5,617,540 being the amount of profit gained by Iu as a result of his market misconduct; and
  • payment of the SFC’s investigation and legal costs, as well as the costs of the MMT proceedings.

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