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At the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference on July 4, Baidu Group Chairman Robin Li pointed out in his speech that in most application scenarios, the use of open source models is not appropriate, and that commercial closed source models are more capable at the same parameter scale.。Robin Li also mentioned that there is no application of the basic model will be worthless, he believes that now the industry to more to "roll" application landing, rather than "hit the list."。

At the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference on July 4, Baidu Group Chairman Robin Li pointed out in his speech that in most application scenarios, the use of open source models is not appropriate, and that commercial closed source models are more capable at the same parameter scale.。Robin Li also mentioned that there is no application of the basic model will be worthless, he believes that now the industry to more to "roll" application landing, rather than "hit the list."。

At the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference on July 4, Baidu Group Chairman Robin Li pointed out in his speech that in most application scenarios, the use of open source models is not appropriate, and that commercial closed source models are more capable at the same parameter scale.。Robin Li also mentioned that there is no application of the basic model will be worthless, he believes that now the industry to more to "roll" application landing, rather than "hit the list."。

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