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SaxoBank's demand for foreign exchange fell in July

Saxo Bank's foreign exchange trading volume fell in July, with monthly trading volume falling to $112.9 billion, compared with $119.5 billion the previous month, down 5.5%。Last month, foreign exchange demand also fell slightly year-on-year 2.5%。

盛宝银行(SaxoBank)7 月外汇交易需求下滑

Saxo Bank's foreign exchange trading volume fell in July, with monthly trading volume falling to $112.9 billion, compared with $119.5 billion the previous month, down 5.5%。Last month, foreign exchange demand also fell slightly year-on-year 2.5%。

However, the average daily volume of foreign exchange in June and July remained unchanged at $5.4 billion; the latest figure was slightly less than $5.5 billion compared to July 2022.。

Saxo Bank Trading Volume

In addition to foreign exchange, Saxo Bank offers trading services in several other popular asset classes.。Trading demand declined across all other asset classes, causing the platform's total monthly trading volume to fall to $371.9 billion from $391.7 billion in July; however, overall trading volume increased substantially by nearly 15%..5%。

Demand for shares remains the top priority on Saxo's platform, with monthly trading volume of $222.1 billion.。Although demand for stocks fell from $233.5 billion in June, it was down from 1 in July 2022..$66.2 billion up。

Monthly volume in commodities was $29.6 billion, down from $32.1 billion the previous month; fixed income volume was $7.3 billion, up from $6.6 billion the previous month。

Global Trading Platform

Although headquartered in Denmark, it has a global footprint with multiple local entities in many markets。The platform also offers cryptocurrency instruments in some non-European markets; however, it does not regularly disclose these metrics。

In an order last month, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) asked Saxo to sell its cryptocurrency holdings, noting that the multi-asset broker's digital asset transactions for its own accounts were not part of the investment bank's "legitimate activities."。

Meanwhile, Saxo Bank was officially designated as a systemically important financial institution (SIFI) by the UK Financial Services Authority, becoming the ninth such company in the country.。Now, it must comply with strict capital requirements。

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