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Full of dry goods! What information to watch at Tesla's 2023 shareholder meeting?

On Tuesday (May 16) local time, American electric car manufacturer Tesla held its 2023 shareholders meeting at its Austin plant in Texas。This is Tesla's third annual shareholder meeting at the plant, where the company dealt with a variety of matters, including board composition, shareholder votes on various measures, long-term planning, and the return of a former Tesla executive as a new board member.。

On Tuesday (May 16) local time, American electric car manufacturer Tesla held its 2023 shareholders meeting at its Austin plant in Texas。This is Tesla's third annual shareholder meeting at the plant, where the company dealt with a variety of matters, including board composition, shareholder votes on various measures, long-term planning, and the return of a former Tesla executive as a new board member.。

In addition to this position, Tesla will also provide up-to-date data and information on topics such as automotive production goals and roadmaps, clean energy initiatives mentioned in Tesla's "Big Picture Chapter 3," and software development projects such as Fully Automated Driving (FSD) Beta and even Optimus robotics.。


The following is the main points of the general meeting of shareholders:


The first electric pickup Cybertruck will be delivered later this year


Products have always been one of the highlights of Tesla's shareholder meetings。At this year's shareholder meeting, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that Cybertruck, an electric pickup that has previously skipped multiple tickets, will complete the first new car deliveries this year.。


The model was officially unveiled at the launch as early as November 2019, and Tesla also plans to launch it in 2021。It is reported that since the announcement of Cybertruck, Tesla has received more than 600,000 bookings, but due to a series of problems such as production capacity and final product form, the launch of the model has suffered several delays.。Delayed from the end of 2021 to the end of 2022, then to the beginning of this year and then to the middle of this year。

Musk said: "Sorry for the delay.。We will finally start delivering mass-produced Cybertruck later this year.。He said the Cybertruck would be the vehicle he would drive on a daily basis.。

Musk also said that if Tesla increases Cybertruck production across the board, it should be able to produce 250,000 to 500,000 vehicles a year.。He admitted that the cost of the Cybertruck may be unaffordable to consumers because it is a new car produced with new manufacturing methods, but the Cybertruck will have very good ductility and conversion potential。


Electric supercar Roadster or put into production in 2024


Like Cybertruck, Roadster is a pie that has been painted for several years, but has been slow to deliver。At the shareholder meeting, Musk said the Roadster could be in production by 2024.。

The electric supercar Roadster first debuted in November 2017 and was initially scheduled to go on sale in 2020, but has been repeatedly delayed over the years because the high-priced sports car is in a secondary position in front of other Tesla products (including Model 3 and Model Y).。

In July 2020, Musk revealed that Tesla's new Roadster sports car will be put into production as early as 2021。Later, in October 2021, he announced that production of the car had been delayed until 2023.。Now, he also said that the car is expected to start production in 2024。So for Musk said this 2024 production, or do not take too seriously。

It is reported that Roadster's performance will reach levels beyond the reach of gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles。This sports car has an acceleration time of 1.9 seconds, top speed of 250 miles (400 kilometers) / hour, cruising range of 620 miles (1000 kilometers)。


Humanoid robot Optimus


In October 2022, Tesla officially released the prototype of the humanoid robot Optimus at the Artificial Intelligence Conference.。At the scene, Tesla demonstrated some of the basic functions of the robot, such as walking, waving, swinging and other movements, as well as a section of the robot in the Tesla factory to carry metal parts and other operations.。

At the shareholders' meeting, Musk also mentioned Optimus again, saying that the motor controller and electronics of Optimus are all designed by Tesla.。Because it is designed differently from any known machine and uses special applications。

Musk says demand for such robots could reach 10 billion or more。If the ratio of humans to robots is 2: 1, the demand for humanoid robots may far exceed the demand for cars。As a result, Musk predicts that Tesla's long-term value may come from Optimus。

Musk also emphasized that Optimus currently does not have deep thinking and is only used for basic tasks (repetitive or dangerous work)。These tasks have characteristics that people don't want to do, which is why Tesla developed Optimus.。

Musk, who has always opposed AI's autonomy, also said that Tesla also wants to ensure that Optimus is safe during use and will not let Optimus think about other issues.。


Fully automated driving technology FSD


In December 2020, Musk said on Twitter that the company planned that the FSD (Full Self-Drive) monthly paid software suite would be released in early 2021.。

But in February, Tesla's self-driving system was investigated by U.S. regulators and concluded that the driver assistance system (FSD) did not fully comply with traffic safety laws and could cause a crash.。

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said Tesla software allows vehicles to "overspeed or pass intersections in an illegal or unpredictable manner, which increases the risk of a crash."。

Tesla forced to recall more than 36 overnight.20,000 U.S. vehicles to update their fully autonomous driving (FSD) beta software。

Musk also made the latest remarks on the system at this shareholder meeting. In the future, Tesla believes that the safety of FSD will far exceed that of human drivers, reaching 10 times the safety level。This is a very important milestone。With a software update, millions of cars can move from requiring human intervention to fully autonomous driving。

However, Musk stressed that it will take some time to achieve true fully autonomous driving.。The development of autonomous driving is not a linear or smooth process.。It needs to constantly break old ideas and re-establish new theoretical foundations.。Although Tesla's self-driving technology has surpassed manual driving in terms of safety, this does not mean that the owner can completely let the vehicle drive by itself, and someone still needs to supervise。

Regarding the launch time of the FSD official version, Musk said that at present, no definite timetable can be given for fully autonomous driving.。While customers want a clearer roadmap, this is difficult at this stage.。


"I don't intend to resign as Tesla CEO"


Stroubel (JB Straubel), co-founder and former chief technology officer of Tesla, will be selected as Tesla's independent director by a unanimous vote of shareholders at Tuesday's shareholder meeting.。

In addition, Musk also said at the shareholder meeting that he does not intend to resign as CEO of Tesla.。

Since the acquisition of Twitter, Musk has complained that he has multiple roles and is often too busy to work.。Many Tesla investors are also disappointed that Musk has shifted his focus on Tesla to Twitter.。In response, many shareholders called on Musk to give up the post of CEO of Twitter as soon as possible and focus on leading Tesla.。

Last Thursday, Musk abruptly announced that he had found a new CEO for Twitter, and quickly revealed the next day that he would be replaced by former NBC Universal advertising executive Linda Yaccarino.。Musk said Yacarino's focus will be on business operations, while he himself will focus on brand design and new technologies。

The news boosted investor confidence and at least proved that the world's richest man still has Tesla at heart。


Tesla plans to try advertising?


Tesla, which has never used traditional advertising as a sales tool, under the leadership of CEO Musk, may do something that has not been done in two decades: advertising.。

"So I guess I should say the ads are great and everyone should do that," Musk said in response to questions about his advertising stance at Tesla's annual shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas.。"We will try to do some advertising and see how it works.。"

Musk has resisted the idea of ads for years, tweeting in 2019 that he "hates ads" and that "we use this money to make products better."。

But at a time when increased competition and a slowing economy are forcing Tesla to slash prices, the CEO also looks set to do more for Tesla, a move that underscores his efforts to boost investor confidence in the automaker's prospects。

For Tesla will use traditional advertising for sales means, some media comments said that advertising marks the establishment of 20 years of Tesla ushered in a major shift in marketing methods。For a long time, Tesla has promoted its own electric car products through word of mouth from fans, avoiding traditional marketing methods such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.。



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