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How to Open a HotForex MT4 or MT5 Account to Trade Forex?

How to open a live and demo trading account with HotForex?To open a demo account, click here。The demo account allows you to trade risk-free by providing your HotForex MT4 trading platform and unlimited virtual funds.

如何开设一个 HotForex MT4 或 MT5 账户来交易外汇?

How to open a live and demo trading account with HotForex?

To open a demo account, the demo account allows you to trade risk-free by providing your HotForex MT4 trading platform and unlimited virtual funds.。

To open a live account, Live Account lets you open an account in real currency and start trading immediately。

Simply select the account that works best for you, complete your online registration, submit your documents, and you can get started。

We recommend that you read the risk disclosure, client agreement and terms of business before starting trading。

In both cases, the myHotForex area will open。The MyHotForex region is your client region where you can manage your demo accounts, live accounts, and financials。

Opening an Islamic Swap-Free Account

HotForex offers Islamic forex account or no swap account。

Islamic forex accounts or usury-free accounts are designed to accommodate HotForex's Muslim customer base.。

They are based on the religious beliefs of Islamic clients and basically state that people should give and not expect anything in return so they don't pay or collect interest within the economic industry.。

If you are interested in opening an Islamic Forex account or switching your current account, you can contact the HotForex support team。

The HotForex support team will restore you and you will be able to switch your account type to no swaps。

Contact HotForex Support Team

How to deposit money for a HotForex live account?

To start trading with HotForex, you only need to deposit as low as $100 to start your Forex trading business。

Keep in mind that you can also get a bonus for your first deposit, so make the most of this great opportunity to get some extra trading balance。

HotForex offers you several ways to fund your account, there is definitely one for you。

You can deposit money into your account by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Diners), bank wire transfer, PayPal, Neteller and many other means.。

Your funds are completely secure with HotForex as they use the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure that the funds of HotForex traders are out of reach。

If you deposit with a credit card, PayPal, or Neteller, your account is immediately funded。

When using a payment method such as wire transfer, Western Union or money transfer, your account will be credited the moment the transfer is approved by the relevant processor。

HotForex assumes that every trader registered with HotForex is trading for the first time。This is why HotForex makes the platform completely intuitive, so you can focus on trading alone without having to study the mechanics。For beginners, HotForex recommends to sign up for practice trading and get the hang of the platform before doing real trading。

What is HotForex??

HotForex is an online financial trading platform offering trading in currencies, commodities, indices and CFDs。

HotForex's unique service starts with an innovative platform that brings you financial transactions you've never seen before。

For novices, HotForex offers stimulating visualizations that make trading easier to understand。

However, the great success of HotForex lies in combining simplicity with all the trading tools that a professional trader might need, so you will find the platform user-friendly regardless of your experience in the field。

And if you add in the lowest online spreads, low deposits of as little as $100 and exceptional customer support, you have an unbeatable provider of financial transactions。

HotForex MT4 and MT5 platforms

HotForex MT4 and MT5 platforms are the most powerful and easy-to-use online forex trading platforms on offer。

HotForex's advanced market analysis tools, charting tools and trading systems are at your fingertips。

HotForex's expertise allows them to produce one of the most stable, reliable and fast online currency trading platforms。

The features of HotForex MT4 and MT5 are designed to maximize the trader's online forex trading experience and provide traders with more control and flexibility, so you can focus more on trading instead of stress management。

1.Fast response time

Even a small delay in executing a trade can cause significant losses.。

HotForex MT4 and MT5 trading platforms have been designed to take advantage of multiple highly stable programming languages to increase the speed of trade execution, so your contracts are processed quickly under normal market conditions。

Traders rely heavily on accurate quote information when monitoring fluctuations in currency prices。

HotForex MT4 and MT5 trading platforms provide real-time currency price information through an almost seamless connection to the global Forex market。


Unlike Java-based platforms that are prone to instability and freezing, HotForex believes that the MT4 and MT5 trading platforms are the two most stable and reliable trading platforms available。

HotForex engineers have successfully found a way to create a more powerful and richer trading terminal that can provide multiple graphs and charts at the same time with minimal data flow。

Reduced data volume means reduced bandwidth requirements and less information processed by trader computers and data links。

As a result, traders will experience consistent data transmission。

Confident trading means knowing that at the most critical moments your trades will be executed without systematic delays。


HotForex MT4 and MT5 trading platforms give traders the freedom to execute trades from multiple regions, including quote windows, trading windows, full-screen windows, toolbars, etc.。

This means that when the currency tracked by the trader reaches a determined target price to buy or sell, the trader is able to quickly execute the trade from any "trade executable enabled" window without having to click back to the main trading window。

Trading in the quote window gives traders greater control over the trading terminal and creates opportunities when the trading setup requires fast trade execution。


Investors around the world know that it's so disturbing to lose touch with the market.。

As we all know, financial markets do not rest, price fluctuations are continuous。

For the past decade or so, traders have had no choice but to take their eyes off their screens when they left home.。

In order to "stay in the game" moment to participate in the market 24 hours a day and gain an extra advantage over other investors, many traders now turn to the MT4 and MT5 mobile apps of HotForex。

Open a HotForex account and access to MT4 and MT5

Why Choose HotForex as Your Broker?

You trade Forex with HotForex without paying any commission。

Your only transaction cost is the spread of the trade, so what is the spread?

The spread is the difference between the bid and the bid price.。

The spread of HotForex is calculated based on the spread of the underlying market available to them. HotForex provides customers with as tight a spread as possible and is the same for all HotForex customers。

As a HotForex client, you will get everything you need, so they offer many options such as hedging with unlimited leverage of up to 1: 1000 on your trading style。

Open a demo account at any time, it will not have any negative impact on your funds and start to experience the advantages of HotForex。

New to Trading - How to Trade Forex?

If you are new to the market, we highly recommend that you open a demo trading account before opening a real account and trading。

Unlike other markets, the Forex market has the opportunity to turn around regardless of economic conditions or volatility。

First, we must first delve into the pricing structure of the foreign exchange market。

Understanding how pricing works and why it changes is the basis for trading in that market。

Sign up for HotForex to fully access the Education Center

1.Pricing in the Forex and CFD markets

Since the currencies themselves cannot be valued (it makes no sense to describe a dollar as worth a dollar), they must be valued against each other.。

This is why currencies are always traded in pairs。

For example, the first currency listed in a currency pair, the euro in EURUSD, is called the base currency。

The second pair is called the relative currency or quote currency。

Whenever you make a trade, the amount of profit or loss resulting from that trade will be denominated in relative currency。

For example, when trading EURUSD, your profit or loss will always be in USD。For USDCHF, all gains and losses are in Swiss francs。

Each transaction requires both buying one currency and selling another.。

It doesn't actually sound so complicated。

If you are traveling and converting dollars into local currency - you are essentially selling your dollars to buy X amount of local currency, which is usually at the exchange rate set by the seller。

Now that we understand that transactions involve the simultaneous purchase of one currency and the sale of another, we can explore the structure of pricing。

You will see two digital quotes for each currency pair - the bid price and the ask price。

The bid price of a currency pair is the exchange rate at which you sell the base currency while buying the relative currency.。

The ask price is the rate at which you can buy the base currency while selling the relative currency.。

The spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price.。

The minimum increment of a currency transaction is called the pip, short for percentage-in-point。

For fractional point pricing, this only means an increase of one decimal place due to the large liquidity。

2.Use of leverage

Unlike other financial markets, retail forex trading must be accompanied by significant leverage。

The necessity of leverage is due to small increments in currency fluctuations。

Since pricing opportunities can occur within 1 / 100th of a cent or 1 cent, trading in large quantities will not waste your valuable time。

Depending on your trading account type, HotForex will offer you leverage from 1: 1 to 1: 1000。

You will be able to trade at a leverage of 1: 100 with a volume 100 times higher than your entry amount.。

For example, if you deposit $10,000, you can hold a position equal to up to $1 million.。

To be clear, with a $10,000 deposit and 1: 100 leverage, you will not be able to hold the entire position of $1 million because your margin is not enough to cover the spread。

For traders who wish to trade at a volume greater than X, check the margin schedule for your large trade order。

Leveraged trading does involve a significant risk of loss, as this mechanism boosts your profits and increases your losses。

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not trade with capital that cannot afford to lose and we recommend that you use a demo trading account to familiarize yourself with the market and the trading system of HotForex。

3.Learn about the market

Professional forex traders must consider both technical and fundamental indicators to generate consistent, risk-adjusted returns。

At HotForex, individual traders, money managers and even banks use HotForex's trading techniques to speculate in the Forex market。

For those who intend to enter the Forex market for the first time, once again, HotForex recommends starting a contact account。

The exercise account is valid for 90 days and users have full access to real-time pricing, charts and data, all with the ability to trade virtual currencies。

In some account types, HotForex does not charge a commission, but instead gets paid through the buy / sell spread。

Unlike other forex brokerage houses or banks, the spread of your practice account matches the criteria based on your virtual deposit。

Whether you intend to invest $2,000 or $200,000, the practice account will provide you with an accurate representation of the spreads available when you open a live account。

4.basic analysis

Fundamental analysis attempts to predict market movements by studying the basic core elements that affect asset value.。

By using economic data, central bank policy and macro trends, speculators try to predict the general direction of prices。

Unlike technical analysis, fundamental analysis focuses on information that can drive the market, rather than the market itself.。

Key underlying events include, but are not limited to: non-farm payrolls, central bank decisions, consumer price index (CPI), producer price index (PPI), durable goods, retail sales and GDP data。

While fundamental analysis can predict economic conditions and market direction, it does not greatly help traders when determining specific entry and exit points。

At this point, many traders rely on technical analysis to determine whether their assumptions are well-founded and come up with a price to enter the market.。

5.Technical analysis

Technical analysis is the analysis of the market itself, not the underlying information about price movements.。

Price forecasting based on past market data and pattern recognition。

Technical traders believe that fundamental information is reflected in price data and that history repeats itself regularly。

Even the most determined fundamental trader looks at charts to gauge past price movements, trends and volatility。

Technical indicators include, but are not limited to: support and resistance levels, moving averages, Bollinger Bands, Momentum, Stochastics, Relative Strength Index, and Fibonacci retracement。

While fundamental analysis and technical analysis are valuable in their own right - the correct application of both provides more intelligence than the sum of their parts。

Fundamental analysis focuses on the future intrinsic value of assets based on economic data, while technical analysis focuses on the market itself.。

Since any market consists of both, the market should be considered as a whole, assets as well as speculators。

6.Examples of Forex Trading

You think the Swiss franc is overvalued against the dollar。Since the currency pair structure is USDCHF, you decide to.0100 / 1.0102 Buy 2 Standard Hands to Do Long USDCHF。By making this trade, you buy dollars and sell Swiss francs at the same time。

If your assumption is correct, then the depreciation of the franc against the dollar will benefit you because you now hold the dollar (base currency) against the Swiss franc (relative currency)。

You bought 2 standard hands for $200,000。With a leverage of 1: 100, the margin for this position is $2,000 or equivalent。With a leverage of 1: 500, your margin is $400 or equivalent。

Because you purchased the base currency, your trade is at a sell price of 1.0102 Execution。After placing the order, you will immediately suffer a small unrealized loss due to the spread。In the absence of a price movement, you will fall 2 pips in value as you buy the base currency 1.The price of 0102 exceeds the selling price by 1.0100。

As you might expect, on the same trading day, the franc depreciated against the dollar。Buy / Sell is now 1.0180 / 1.0182。

You are in 1.0180 Close the position, offset by the bid price, because you now sell the base currency and buy the reverse currency to clear the position。

Remember that every transaction is a simultaneous purchase of one currency against another。

When the dollar against the Swiss franc at 1.0100 / 1.0102 When you trade, you buy $200,000 and then at 1.0180 / 1.0182 Sold。to 1.0102 of the asking price to buy and 1.0180 of the buy price to sell, get 78 points worth of profit。

The point value is determined by multiplying the point value by the transaction size, and the point value is always measured in the corresponding currency。

$200,000 (deal size) x 0.01 (point value) = 20 Swiss francs

78 (points) x 20 CHF = 1560 CHF profit

If your trading account is based on USD, your profit of CHF 1560 will be 1532.12 dollars (1560 Swiss francs ÷ 1.0182 CHF / USD) credited to your account。

* Remember that leverage has the same advantages and disadvantages for you。If you hold the opposite assumption and in 1.0100 / 1.0102 entered the market and at 1.0180 / 1.0182 Buy and your trade will yield a loss of 82 pips or CHF 1640。

The difference between hypothetical profit and hypothetical loss is due to the difference in the 2-point value.。The market changes by 80 points, if correctly positioned, your return is 80 points (change) minus 2 points (spread), and the profit is 78 points.。

If the wrong positioning, your loss is 80 points value (change) plus 2 points value (spread) = 82 points value loss。

Realized gains and losses are automatically converted to the currency of your trading account。

EUR-based accounts will be credited / debited to EUR, USD-based USD accounts, etc.。HotForex offers accounts denominated in all major currencies。

Go to the official HotForex website

Free Forex Education in HotForex

Sign up for HotForex for free and you can get their comprehensive teaching materials through the HotForex website。

Are you new to Forex trading??

No need to worry, HotForex offers you a complete range of tools, options and education。

1.Introduction to Foreign Exchange

If you are new to Forex and want to improve your computing power, this is your starting point。

Learn about the players in the market, how the market works, and learn how to calculate your profit and loss。

Get answers to questions such as what is a swap and how to calculate it。

Understand the rules of the game, what are the restrictions and so on。

This is the "ABC" of Forex Trading。

2.Advantages of Forex

Why I should trade Forex instead of any other financial market?

Get the answer to this question and why the Forex market is the largest financial market in the world?

Get a specific list of the advantages of Forex trading and more importantly the advantages of Forex trading through HotForex。

3.Trading Guide

Now that you know how the Forex market works, what's next?

Get the stickers that every trader should get, and what to look out for when trading the Forex market.。

The trading guide sets out the basic rules of how to turn a profit, how to manage money wisely and how to avoid trouble。

Master the basics of the Commandments of Correct Trading。

4.Technical analysis

Technical analysis is the use of past history to determine future events。

Chart tools and technical indicators provide traders with much-needed advantages in the trading process。

Those new to trading learn the meaning of technical analysis and how to use different indicators。

Traders are proficient in the use of trading tools and how to apply these tools in the market to improve their trading performance.。

5.Technical Trading Guide

Once you understand the meaning and basics of technical analysis, the next step is to learn how to actually use a given tool。

At HotForex you will be able to enjoy the excellent technical charts and indicators available on the HotForex platform。

Here you can learn the basics of how to actually test them。

6.basic analysis

There are countless economic and financial news releases around the world every day。

The basics of understanding what they mean, their importance and how they affect the market。

The more familiar you are with the version, the better your understanding and performance of the market。

7.Glossary of Terms

Encounter a term you don't understand?

HotForex's complete forex glossary is presented in an easy-to-understand and accessible way。

HotForex uses easy-to-understand terminology to help you absorb and apply terms easily and fluently。


Do you have a question about Forex??

Then you've come to the right place。

HotForex ponders some common questions for traders。

HotForex divides them into sections, from technical issues to trading issues, from limits to deposits and more。

If you have a question that needs to be answered, then you will most likely find the answer here。

Start with a HotForex MT4 and MT5 simulated (virtual) account

If you are not ready to invest in the Forex market, you can choose to open a demo account.。

The demo account of HotForex uses virtual currency so you can experience the trading platform without risking your own funds.。

Simulated trading on a demo account is a safe learning environment before you travel to real trading。

HotForex wants traders to be able to practice and trade freely in a demo account before investing real money in a real account。

Frequently Asked Questions about HotForex Demo Trading Account

1.How long can a demo account with HotForex be used??

The validity period of the demo trading account is 90 days, starting from the date of registration。

On day 90, your account will be invalid。

If you feel you need extra demo time before opening a live account, you can sign up for multiple demo accounts。

2.Does HotForex's demo account involve real currency??

No, there is no risk involving real money。

The demo account involves only the virtual currency of the deposit amount pre-selected at the time of registration。

Offers a demo account so you can practice trading analysis and execution skills before opening an account in real currency。

As with any trading environment, the results you experience in a demo account may differ from those in a real trading account。

3.Simulated and real-time accounts, respectively.

The demo account of HotForex offers traders the opportunity to become familiar with the functions of the trading platform。

While the pricing and spreads on a demo account may be similar to a real account, a demo account is not a mirror image of what you see on a real account。

Demo account pricing and spreads are just to give traders an idea of how real accounts work.。

4.How to open a demo account directly in MetaTrader?

After downloading the platform, go to:

  1. "File" and then click "Open an Account" (please note that the "Open an Account" screen may be displayed automatically after login)。
  2. Enter the required information in the box "I agree to subscribe to your newsletters"。
  3. Make sure you select the desired Deposit amount。
  4. Click "Next" twice.。
  5. After the second click on "Next Next," login credentials and password will be provided。You may need to write down this information for your record。
  6. However, you do not need this information。
  7. After clicking "Finish," the system will automatically log you into the new demo account to start trading。
  8. In the upper left corner of MetaTrader, your demo account is displayed。
5.Can the profit and loss on the demo account be obtained??

No, the demo account is only funded by virtual currency。

No profit or loss is recorded to the customer。

6.Can you do simulated trading on weekends??

As with live trading, demo trading is only available during normal trading hours (5pm Sunday to 4pm Friday EST).。

Disclaimer: The views in this article are from the original author and do not represent the views or position of Hawk Insight. The content of the article is for reference, communication and learning only, and does not constitute investment advice. If it involves copyright issues, please contact us for deletion.