ジェミニトラスト Co. は、 Bitcoin 先物に関する裁判に先立って $5 百万のために CFTC 訴訟を解決
Winklevoss 双子が所有する暗号通貨取引所 Gemini は、商品先物取引委員会との訴訟を終了するために $5 百万の和解に合意しました。
Winklevoss 双子が所有する暗号通貨取引所 Gemini は、商品先物取引委員会との訴訟を終了するために $5 百万の和解に合意しました。ジェミニが Bitcoin 先物契約を立ち上げるために規制当局を誤ったと主張した事件は、裁判が開始される数週間前に解決されました。
In 2022, the CFTC filed a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court, accusing Gemini of providing “false and misleading statements” about how it would prevent Bitcoin price manipulation. These assurances were central to Gemini’s efforts to secure approval for the first US-regulated Bitcoin Bitcoin While some may still be wondering what is Bitcoin, who created Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work, one thing is certain: Bitcoin has changed the world.No one can remain indifferent to this revolutionary, decentralized, digital asset nor to its blockchain technology.In fact, we’ve gone a long way ever since a Florida resident Laszlo Hanyecz made BTC’s first official commercial transaction with a real company by trading 10,000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas at his local Papa John’s.One could now argue that While some may still be wondering what is Bitcoin, who created Bitcoin, or how does Bitcoin work, one thing is certain: Bitcoin has changed the world.No one can remain indifferent to this revolutionary, decentralized, digital asset nor to its blockchain technology.In fact, we’ve gone a long way ever since a Florida resident Laszlo Hanyecz made BTC’s first official commercial transaction with a real company by trading 10,000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas at his local Papa John’s.One could now argue that Read this Term futures contract.
アメリカ合衆国地方裁判所判事アルビン · ヘラースタインは事件を監督し、当初ジェミニの却下要求を拒否し、陪審員はジェミニの役員による声明が誤解を招くかどうかを判断すべきであると裁定した。
However, according to ブルームバーグ, the newly reached agreement avoids a trial. Gemini settled without admitting or denying liability. The settlement reflects the increasing regulatory challenges faced by cryptocurrency platforms under the Biden administration.
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