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On July 4, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the "SCO +" meeting in Astana on the issue of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, said that Russia has never rejected peace talks, and is now willing to continue peace talks.。Putin stressed that the draft Istanbul agreement has not disappeared.。The head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation signed it at the time, meaning that Ukraine was satisfied with the draft agreement at the time.。Now the draft agreement remains "on the table" and could serve as a basis for continued negotiations.。(Global Morning News)

On July 4, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the "SCO +" meeting in Astana on the issue of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, said that Russia has never rejected peace talks, and is now willing to continue peace talks.。Putin stressed that the draft Istanbul agreement has not disappeared.。The head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation signed it at the time, meaning that Ukraine was satisfied with the draft agreement at the time.。Now the draft agreement remains "on the table" and could serve as a basis for continued negotiations.。(CCTV News)

On July 4, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the "SCO +" meeting in Astana on the issue of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, said that Russia has never rejected peace talks, and is now willing to continue peace talks.。Putin stressed that the draft Istanbul agreement has not disappeared.。The head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation signed it at the time, meaning that Ukraine was satisfied with the draft agreement at the time.。Now the draft agreement remains "on the table" and could serve as a basis for continued negotiations.。(CCTV News)

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