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Bolivian Minister of Public Works Montano announced on June 22 local time that Russia's first export of 50,000 tons of diesel fuel to Bolivia has arrived in the northern Chilean port of Arica and will be distributed to all parts of Bolivia by land transport in the near future.。It is reported that the fuel was transported by Lukoil, one of Russia's main oil producers, and supplied to the Bolivian National Oil Company.。Expect to meet Bolivia's domestic fuel needs for at least 10 days。(Global Morning News)

Bolivian Minister of Public Works Montano announced on June 22 local time that Russia's first export of 50,000 tons of diesel fuel to Bolivia has arrived in the northern Chilean port of Arica and will be distributed to all parts of Bolivia by land transport in the near future.。It is reported that the fuel was transported by Lukoil, one of Russia's main oil producers, and supplied to the Bolivian National Oil Company.。Expect to meet Bolivia's domestic fuel needs for at least 10 days。(CCTV News)

Bolivian Minister of Public Works Montano announced on June 22 local time that Russia's first export of 50,000 tons of diesel fuel to Bolivia has arrived in the northern Chilean port of Arica and will be distributed to all parts of Bolivia by land transport in the near future.。It is reported that the fuel was transported by Lukoil, one of Russia's main oil producers, and supplied to the Bolivian National Oil Company.。Expect to meet Bolivia's domestic fuel needs for at least 10 days。(CCTV News)

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