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Musk Announces Establishment of Artificial Intelligence Company xAI

On July 12, local time, Musk announced the establishment of an artificial intelligence company - xAI。According to xAI's official website, xAI's goal is to understand the true nature of the universe。

Local time on July 12, the world's richest man Elon Musk (Elon Musk) announced the establishment of an artificial intelligence company - xAI。According to xAI's official website, xAI's goal is to understand the true nature of the universe。


So far, Musk's company has increased to six。The other five are electric car company Tesla, rocket company SpaceX, social media platform Twitter, brain-computer interface company Neuralink and underground tunnel company The Boring Company.。

The company is committed to and leading the development of some of the biggest breakthroughs in the space, including AlphaStar, AlphaCode, Inception, Minerva, and GPT-3..5 and GPT-4。xAI will be independent of X Corp, but it will work closely with X Corp, Tesla and others。Musk merged Twitter into XCorp earlier this year。


Digging people everywhere, Xai team members "strong lineup"


xAI's website also announced the company's team。The company's team is currently led by Musk and consists of engineers and experts who have worked at numerous companies on the forefront of artificial intelligence.。

It is worth noting that there are many former Google employees in the team。Including Christian Szegedy, a research scientist at DeepMind under Google for many years.。Igor Babuschkin and Toby Pohlen also worked at Google.。

Also on the team was Jimmy Ba, a well-known academic from the University of Toronto, who studied under the tutelage of artificial intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton.。He co-authored a paper on deep learning optimization in 2014 with Diederik Kingma, known as the "Adam" paper.。According to the scientific website Research Gate, it is the most cited paper in the field of artificial intelligence, with 95,460 citations.。

Chinese faces account for a third of the 12-member team so far announced。Including Toronto scholar GuodongZhang (GuodongZhang), Greg Yang, who worked at Microsoft Research, Zihang Dai, who worked at Google Research, and former Google employee Yuhuai Wu.。

In addition, Dan Hendrycks, the current director of the AI Security Center, will serve as an advisor to xAI.。

Although many top talents have joined its team, xAI is still recruiting talents。According to the company's website, xAI "actively recruits experienced engineers and researchers" to work in the San Francisco Bay Area.。


xAI will challenge OpenAI?


This time, Musk established xAI, which is widely believed to challenge OpenAI。

Last November, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a chatbot, ahead of Bard and BingAI.。Generative AI, a new technology, has also entered the global public eye.。

But Musk was one of the early founders of OpenAI.。Musk was involved in creating OpenAI in 2015, but in 2018 he left OpenAI's board for unknown reasons.。After leaving OpenAI, Musk did not criticize OpenAI in public.。In particular, OpenAI later created a for-profit division, which he slammed, arguing that the company was "controlled by Microsoft."。It is reported that Microsoft has so far invested about $13 billion in OpenAI, which is a veritable "big backer" of the company.。

Musk said in April that he would launch TruthGPT, calling it an "artificial intelligence that seeks the greatest degree of truth," comparable to Google's Bard and Microsoft's BingAI.。

Although xAI has not yet released a product similar to "TruthGPT," it has attracted a lot of attention.。xAI's Twitter account opened in May, and although it has been in a state of "silence" since it opened, it already has nearly 100,000 followers。

On July 13, the account posted its first tweet - "What is the most basic unsolved mystery?"?The tweet received 9,000 likes and 1,600 retweets within half an hour of its release.。As of press time, the account has more than 300,000 followers.。By comparison, OpenAI has 2.4 million Twitter followers.。



While calling for a moratorium on AI development, while setting up an AI company, what does Musk want??


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, concerns about AI also follow。To this end, many industry personnel and experts have called for strengthening supervision。Musk has repeatedly expressed concerns about the potential of artificial intelligence "civilization destruction."。Musk also predicted that superintelligence, or artificial intelligence that is smarter than humans, will arrive within five or six years.。

In March, more than 1,000 industry people signed an open letter that included Musk, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis.。In view of the potentially far-reaching impact of increasingly powerful artificial intelligence on society, the letter called on all artificial intelligence laboratories to suspend training more powerful than GPT-4 artificial intelligence systems for at least the next six months.。Otherwise, the government should step in and take coercive measures.。

Perhaps the AI developed by others "not at ease," Musk chose to personally end。For new companies, Musk thinks their AI is safer and more reliable。

At the TwitterSpaces event on the day xAI was announced, Musk laid out his plan to build safer artificial intelligence。Instead of explicitly programming ethics into AI, xAI seeks to create a "most curious" AI, he said.。"If it's trying to understand the true nature of the universe, that's actually the best thing I can think of from an AI safety perspective," Musk said, "I think it's going to be good for humans from the standpoint that humanized AI is more interesting than dehumanized AI."。"


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