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Wen Xin announced the full opening of Baidu in a word. How big is the win??

On August 31, Baidu announced that Wenxin Yiyan took the lead in opening up to the whole society.。Users can download "Wen Xin Yi Yan APP" in the application store or log on to "Wen Xin Yi Yan official website" to experience。

At the end of August, Baidu brought a blockbuster news to the public, Wenxin Yiyan took the lead in opening up to the whole society.。Users can download "Wen Xin Yi Yan APP" in the application store or log on to "Wen Xin Yi Yan official website" to experience。


Baidu's move quickly attracted many users to use。At present, Wenxin Yiyan APP has topped the Apple Store free list, becoming the first Chinese AI native app to top the App Store list。In addition, the official website of Wenxin Yiyan will also appear the phenomenon of Caton because of too many users in the process of using it.。


On March 16 this year, Wen Xin opened the invitation。Officials said that as the first generative AI product released by a major global factory, Wenxin Yiyan's basic model, Wenxin Big Model, was first released in China as early as 2019, and the recently upgraded Wenxin Big Model 3.5 also continued in more than ten domestic and foreign authoritative evaluation ranked first。

For generative AI, not only the speed of its answers, but also the quality of its answers。So as one of the AI products in China that is expected to compete with ChatGPT, what is Wen Xin's performance??

When using "help me write a film review of Barbie" to ask Wen Xin for a word, Wen Xin's answer will be delayed for 1-3 seconds (not excluding the excessive number of users on the first day), and from the content of its answer, although the structure of the whole film review is relatively complete, but the content is too simple。


When the same request is made to ChatGPT, ChatGPT answers more quickly with little lag。The structure of the whole review is complete and the content will be richer.。


In addition to "feeding" the model with more and better data, AI companies often use plug-ins to improve the quality of their answers.。

According to the Wenxin Yiyan website, Wenxin Yiyan has opened four plug-ins to the public this time, covering documents, videos, etc.。

Specifically, the "Browse Document" plug-in can be based on the document to complete the summary, question and answer, authoring and other tasks。"One Mirror Flow Shadow" plug-in is AI text to video, from the theme words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters and other text description content, one-click creation to generate video。"E-word diagram" plug-in can provide data insight and charting based on Apache Echarts, currently supports histogram, line chart, pie chart, radar chart, scatter chart, funnel chart, mind map (tree chart), etc.。"Illustration" plug-in can be based on pictures for text creation, answer questions, but also for users to write copy, think about the story。

However, compared with ChatGPT, these plug-ins of Wen Xin Yiyan are a bit "not enough to look at."。Back in March this year, OpenAI announced the first 12 plug-ins, covering data analysis, travel, shopping and dining.。In May, ChatGPT allowed ChatGPT Plus users to access the Internet and more than 70 third-party plugins to not only find the latest information and news, but also a company called Portfolio Pilot that can analyze and advise users on their portfolios.。

But this comparison is not fair, after all, ChatGPT is also released a few months after the start of the plug-in function, Baidu is just starting, the follow-up to enrich its "plug-in market" is a high probability event.。On the official website, Wen Xin has opened the plug-in entry channel to the outside world, and developers are welcome to participate in the plug-in market construction.。


Li Yanhong, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, said that when Wenxin Yiyan opens up its services to hundreds of millions of Internet users on a large scale, it will be able to get a lot of human feedback in the real world, which will further improve the basic model and iterate Wenxin Yiyan at a faster speed to create a better user experience.。

After ChatGPT was opened to the public for some time, it began to promote the commercialization process.。OpenAI's ChatGPT first launched a paid version of ChatGPT Plus, and recently launched ChatGPT Enterprise Edition to speed up the commercialization process.。Copilot, an artificial intelligence assistant owned by technology giant Microsoft, and Duet AI of Google have also started charging modes.。In terms of Chinese technology companies, Tencent has given priority to using ToB to enter AI and provide MaaS (Model as a Service) one-stop service for enterprises.。Ali, Huawei, etc. also aimed the big model at the B side.。

So, will Wen Xin also follow the old path of ChatGPT??

Last week, at Baidu's Q2 earnings call, Baidu revealed its vision for AI commercialization。The company said it was considering charging customers for using Wenxin's services, or other AI applications such as code assistant Comate.。Customers can also be charged for retraining and operating their own models on the Baidu platform.。

Shen Shake, president of Baidu's intelligent cloud business group, said: "We expect this new opportunity of artificial intelligence will gradually boost the company's revenue growth, the future long-term development potential is huge, in order to provide customers with better service, we will continue to invest in Wenxin Yiyan。Baidu also said that the follow-up or consider deploying Baidu's basic model to the customer's private cloud, and then charge a fee per project.。

Commercialization seems inevitable because AI research and development is really a money-burning job, and it is reported that Microsoft has invested more than $10 billion in OpenAI so far.。Baidu, according to the company, nearly a decade of cumulative R & D investment of more than 140 billion yuan, Baidu is now one of the world's few AI companies with applications, models, frameworks, chips four-layer full stack layout.。

In addition to Baidu, there are many large models in China that are on their way.。Today (August 31), 11 AI model products filed in China through the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services will be launched and open to the whole society.。

In addition to Wenxin Yiyan, the first batch of eight AI model products on line also include SenseChat, Baichuan Intelligent's "Baichuan Model," Shake Voice's "Lark," Chinese Academy of Sciences's "Zidong Taichu," MiniMax's "ABAB Model," Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory's "Scholar General Model" and Tsinghua AI's "Zhipu Qingyan"。

In addition, Huawei, Tencent and iFLYTEK are all on their way online。Predictably, products in the field of large models have begun to move from R & D to landing, and Baidu's Wenxin has been at the forefront this time.。Follow-up large model field or there will be a wave of "fight," no matter which enterprise, only by constantly iterating out competitive products, in order to gain a firm foothold in the domestic market, and then rushed to the world.。Who will be the winner of the last laugh, let's wait and see。


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