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Canada's Fourth Quarter GDP Growth 0.2%

According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, the Canadian economy grew by 0% quarter-on-quarter in the fourth quarter..2%, after third-quarter revisions showed a contraction of 0.1%。


According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, the Canadian economy grew by 0% quarter-on-quarter in the fourth quarter..2%, after third-quarter revisions showed a contraction of 0.1%。

Last quarter, Canadian exports of goods and services surged 1.4%, of which crude oil and crude oil bitumen exports increased by 6.2% provides the main support。

Data show that total imports of goods and services fell by 0.4%。

Domestic consumption expenditure has also made a positive contribution to national economic growth.。In the fourth quarter, consumer spending rose 0.2%, compared with 0 in the first three months.1% growth accelerated。

On the other hand, Canadian business investment fell for the seventh consecutive quarter in the fourth quarter.。

In terms of annual data, Canada's GDP grew by 1% in the fourth quarter, exceeding analysts' expectations of 0.8% Growth Consensus。

Overall, for all of 2023, Canada's real GDP grew by 1.1%, the third consecutive year of expansion。

In the day's trading, the dollar / Canadian dollar currency pair was essentially flat at the end, trading at 1.3575。

The above data reflect that the Canadian economy maintained some growth momentum in the fourth quarter, especially in terms of exports and consumption.。However, the continued decline in business investment may require attention, especially for the impact on future economic growth and employment.。The Canadian government and relevant stakeholders may need to take steps to encourage business investment in order to promote the full recovery and growth of the economy.。


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