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Exclusive interview with Damian Bens: Exness's success and vision

We'll have an exclusive interview with Chief Operating Officer Damian Bunce to learn more about the world of Exness。Explore unique insights, experiences and perspectives on the latest trends and developments in multi-asset brokers。

We'll have an exclusive interview with Chief Operating Officer Damian Bunce to learn more about the world of Exness。Explore unique insights, experiences and perspectives that reveal the latest trends and developments in multi-asset brokers。

首席运营官 Damian Bunce

In the fast-paced world of trading, brokers play a pivotal role in driving innovation and shaping the future。In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Exness Chief Operating Officer Damian Bunce to dive into Exness and its unique insights into the industry。

Damian on Exness's reputation and global reach

As Chief Customer Officer (CCO) of Exness, Damian is responsible for promoting the brand, enhancing the company's reputation, and articulating a compelling value proposition on a global scale.。

Damian's work aims to foster credibility on an international scale by ensuring transparent communication and clarifying complex details.。Success can be measured by key metrics, such as the company's share of coverage, measuring the promotion to a wider audience。

Damian plays a pivotal role, he actively cultivate the relationship with partners and customers, greatly enhance the company's voice。

Engaging in news events and writing articles generated millions of unique views, with Damian's contribution representing an impressive 18% of Exness's total voice share, marking significant success in strengthening brand influence.。

"My contribution is about 18% of Exness's total voice share.。So it's a huge success and the number of active customers is growing。I mean, our number of active customers is growing every month。We now have about 650,000 monthly active customers。

Record active customers and trading volumes

Exness's success lies in its significant growth in active customers, which has exceeded 650,000 monthly active customers.。This growth is attributed to the joint efforts of marketing, sales and other departments.。

In addition, the continued growth in trading volume reflects the overall victory and effectiveness of the strategy employed by Exness.。

"Our highest record is a single month 4..$8 trillion in trading volume, the largest in the world and three times the number two。"

In emphasizing the key principle of success, Exness will provide competitive prices as a basic element。The company recognizes the importance of providing an attractive price structure, ensuring accessibility by prioritizing affordability, and creating conditions for attracting discerning customers。

In addition, Exness places a strong emphasis on creating favourable trading conditions, including important aspects such as leverage, swap-free alternatives and robust payment regulations.。

This comprehensive approach is designed to meet and exceed customer expectations, creating a positive feedback loop that allows satisfied customers to become advocates, recommend new businesses, and promote sustained growth。

dynamic customer classification

Exness is known for its inclusive approach to serving a diverse customer base, accommodating both retail and institutional clients.。Exness's process of determining the customer level is simple and clear, and depends on two key factors: the customer's deposit amount and transaction volume。

"We mainly look at the customer's deposit and transaction volume.。So if the customer has a large deposit, if the customer has a large transaction volume, then they will become a quality customer, and we will start to classify them and provide better services。"

By classification, Exness offers additional benefits to these premium customers。More active customers get more attention and offers。

In the dynamic world of financial trading, every trade executed by a client translates into an Exness gain, primarily through spreads。Therefore, the more active the customer, the more obvious its importance, because their trading activities directly increase the company's revenue。

Tailored services for advanced customers

Exness ensures that customers are supported in a nuanced way to meet the needs of different levels of customers。The implementation of the grading system has facilitated this differentiation, especially in the treatment of advanced customers.。

For VIP customers, Exness's internal systems track the advancement of their status in detail。This classification translates into tangible benefits, allowing high-quality customers to get faster service and the privilege of a dedicated support team。To further enhance the customer experience, senior customers are given priority in the service queue to ensure that their inquiries or questions receive timely attention。This differentiated service also extends to the handling of calls and chats, with priority customers receiving priority treatment。This personalized service is in line with industry norms, that is, customers with distinguished status will expect and thank higher attention and care。Unlike some other brokerage models, Exness has chosen to offer standardized products for all customer categories.。Consistent pricing structure with an emphasis on treating every customer fairly, regardless of rank。As customers progress and scale their trading history, Exness will launch features based on personal preferences.。For example, some customers can trade larger lots overnight, provided that their trading intentions are trusted by the customer。

"We may allow some customers to trade larger lots overnight rather than smaller lots because we trust our customers.。We understand their good intentions and they want to trade more。For example, there are such advantages。"

No Swaps Reduce Costs

Exness has introduced a noteworthy feature, "No Swaps," which is aimed primarily at FX traders holding overnight positions.。

Traditionally, traders holding overnight positions have been required to pay overnight funding fees, which can accumulate especially in the event of prolonged open positions such as holidays。Exness solves this problem by adopting a customer-centric approach aimed at minimizing costs。

The core principle of Exness No Swaps is not to charge customers for overnight positions, a strategy consistent with the company's broader goal of reducing expenses for different customers。By waiving overnight fees, Exness benefits customers and strategically enhances its market positioning。

The overnight interest-free trading feature, originally designed for Islamic law-abiding Muslim traders, was expanded about two years ago to make it available to all customers.。Despite these advantages, Exness remains wary of possible misuse of the no-swap service。

"However, if we see some customers abusing the service, we have to be careful."。Some customers will abuse the service, in which case we will shut down the service or notify the customer that we will no longer provide them with a swap-free service。"

Real-time check, instant withdrawal

Traditional brokers often delay withdrawals to ensure the legality of earnings and prevent fraud。Typically, internal checks are carried out after the client has made a profit, which has led to frustrating delays in the release of funds。

"The reason there is usually a delay is that if the client makes money, the broker makes sure that it is not fraud or cheating before giving the client money, so they will conduct internal checks.。They'll check the deal and then release the funds。"

Exness uses a unique approach to solve the common problem of withdrawal delays, making it different from other trading platforms。

Exness uses advanced technology to revolutionize the process。The difference is that this fast-executing broker checks trading activity in real time during the trading process.。Exness eliminates the need for post-profit checks during withdrawals by verifying transactions immediately。

Stop loss and spread protection

Understanding stop orders is an important aspect of trading, and Exness offers unique features such as "stop loss protection" and "price gap protection" to address potential challenges.。In terms of stop loss orders, traders can set protection through stop loss to ensure that the asset is liquidated when the price drops to a specified level to protect their investment。

However, market gaps, while uncommon, also present challenges。In some cases, the price may jump from one price level to another, bypassing the set stop loss level。

"Every client thinks the broker has deceived them.。They always think so, but they don't.。The situation now is that there is a jump gap in the market, so we tell our customers that stop loss levels are not guaranteed。Yes, there is no guarantee。People don't understand this, and it's not Exness that does it, it's the market.。

Exness emphasizes the non-guaranteed nature of stop-loss levels, especially in market gaps。It is worth noting that the platform provides gap level protection, providing fair safeguards for customers, provided that the gap is within a reasonable range。

0% stop loss and liability protection complements this commitment and is considered the best liability protection in the market。Exness provides an extended trading management time limit, and stops will only be executed when the account balance is zero。

Exness Liability Protection

Like many other licensed brokers, Exness offers liability protection。With this feature, if a customer deposits $100, even with high leverage, their potential loss is capped at that amount。

If a client uses $100 leverage to purchase an asset worth $200 and the asset falls to zero, the client will only bear the loss of $100, while the remaining $100 will be borne by Exness。

Complaints and ensuring customer satisfaction

Exness uses a structured approach to effectively handle and resolve customer complaints。Routine enquiries are handled first by the general customer support team。For more complex transaction-related issues, the case is referred to the complaints department for a decision.。

Customers can appeal to the Financial Commission, an independent third-party organization outside Exness。The Financial Commission works with Exness to assess the situation and determine the fairness of the results。If the committee finds any fault with Exness, the company will defer to their decision。

"So let's say you have a difficult problem that our customer service department cannot solve。Customer Service refers questions to the Complaints Panel。Complaints panel says, 'No, you lost your money。"

You take this data to the Financial Commission.。The Financial Commission then works with us to decide whether it is fair。If the Financial Commission says we're wrong, we'll lose you money.。

The resolution process usually takes two to three weeks, but the length of time varies。Exness will compensate customers in a timely manner if there is a technical failure that affects many customers。

Building trust and credibility

Exness uses a variety of strategies to strengthen its brand image, emphasizing trust and credibility。One notable approach is to host partner thank-you events and work with well-known media outlets such as Forbes and USA Today。

Exness chose a quieter, more product-oriented approach。The company lets products speak for themselves, relying on a positive customer experience as a strong endorsement。Customers who are satisfied with their interactions become advocates, sharing their experiences with friends and potential traders, which greatly contributes to Exness's reputation and overall growth。

Grasp market trends through a dedicated research team

With a dedicated in-house research team, Exness is kept abreast of changing customer preferences, industry trends and emerging technologies。

"We have a dedicated research team in-house who are always looking for new products in the market.。They've been investigating what the new competitors are doing and then releasing it internally。"

In addition to market research, Exness takes a customer-centric approach and actively engages with customers。Direct feedback on customer preferences and areas for improvement can be gathered through regular face-to-face meetings。

Focus on diversified markets and innovation

Exness is in the growth phase of diversifying its markets, particularly in Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe。Key areas for improvement include risk management, brand recognition and enhanced customer digital engagement。

"We continue to grow in all of these markets.。So the idea is to try to integrate, improve internal processes in the coming years。"

During the integration process, Exness remains committed to launching new products, as exemplified by the recent launch of copper trading and the optimization of pricing structures for commodities such as gold and Bitcoin.。The company is also studying the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service to provide more personalized support by analyzing customer behavior.。While there has been talk of incorporating AI into transactions, Exness recognizes the complexity of the task。Market dynamics change rapidly, and it is challenging for artificial intelligence to accurately predict price movements, taking into account factors such as news, rollovers and unexpected events.。Despite these challenges, Exness is closely following the development of AI and considering the possibility of integrating it into different operational aspects.。


After concluding our discussion with Damian, we have valuable insights into the company's commitment to innovation in the areas of customer satisfaction and transactions。Exness is committed to providing features such as no swaps, negative balance protection and instant withdrawals, which reflects the company's emphasis on transparency and user-friendly experience。

As they navigate the changing market dynamics and explore the potential of artificial intelligence, Exness is clearly ready to continue making waves in the trading industry.。By signing up with this forward-thinking broker, traders can expect more exciting developments。

Disclaimer: The views in this article are from the original author and do not represent the views or position of Hawk Insight. The content of the article is for reference, communication and learning only, and does not constitute investment advice. If it involves copyright issues, please contact us for deletion.

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